Thursday, October 29, 2015

US On Road To Third World — Paul Craig Roberts

October 29, 2015 

US On Road To Third World
Paul Craig Roberts

On January 6, 2004, Senator Charles Schumer and I challenged the erroneous idea that jobs offshoring was free trade in a New York Times op-ed. Our article so astounded economists that within a few days Schumer and I were summoned to a Brookings Institution conference in Washington, DC, to explain our heresy. In the nationally televised conference, I declared that the consequence of jobs offshoring would be that the US would be a Third World country in 20 years.

That was 11 years ago, and the US is on course to descend to Third World status before the remaining 9 years of my prediction have expired.

The evidence is everywhere. In September the US Bureau of the Census released its report on US household income by quintile. Every quintile, as well as the top 5%, has experienced a decline in real household income since their peaks. The bottom quintile (lower 20 percent) has had a 17.1% decline in real income from the 1999 peak (from $14,092 to $11,676). The 4th quintine has had a 10.8% fall in real income since 2000 (from $34,863 to $31,087). The middle quintile has had a 6.9% decline in real income since 2000 (from $58,058 to $54,041). The 2nd quintile has had a 2.8% fall in real income since 2007 (from $90,331 to $87,834). The top quintile has had a decline in real income since 2006 of 1.7% (from $197,466 to $194,053). The top 5% has experienced a 4.8% reduction in real income since 2006 (from $349,215 to $332,347). Only the top One Percent or less (mainly the 0.1%) has experienced growth in income and wealth.

The Census Bureau uses official measures of inflation to arrive at real income. These measures are understated. If more accurate measures of inflation are used (such as those available from, the declines in real household income are larger and have been decling for a longer period. Some measures show real median annual household income below levels of the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Note that these declines have occurred during an alleged six-year economic recovery from 2009 to the current time, and during a period when the labor force was shrinking due to a sustained decline in the labor force participation rate. On April 3, 2015 the US Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that 93,175,000 Americans of working age are not in the work force, a historical record. Normally, an economic recovery is marked by a rise in the labor force participation rate. John Williams reports that when discouraged workers are included among the measure of the unemployed, the US unemployment rate is currently 23%, not the 5.2% reported figure.

In a recently released report, the Social Security Administration provides annual income data on an individual basis. Are you ready for this?

In 2014 38% of all American workers made less than $20,000; 51% made less than $30,000; 63% made less than $40,000; and 72% made less than $50,000.

The scarcity of jobs and the low pay are direct consequences of jobs offshoring. Under pressure from “shareholder advocates” (Wall Street) and large retailers, US manufacturing companies moved their manufacturing abroad to countries where the rock bottom price of labor results in a rise in corporate profits, executive “performance bonuses,” and stock prices.

The departure of well-paid US manufacturing jobs was soon followed by the departure of software engineering, IT, and other professional service jobs.

Incompetent economic studies by careless economists, such as Michael Porter at Harvard and Matthew Slaughter at Dartmouth, concluded that the gift of vast numbers of US high productivity, high value-added jobs to foreign countries was a great benefit to the US economy.

In articles and books I challenged this absurd conclusion, and all of the economic evidence proves that I am correct. The promised better jobs that the “New Economy” would create to replace the jobs gifted to foreigners have never appeared. Instead, the economy creates lowly-paid part-time jobs, such as waitresses, bartenders, retail clerks, and ambulatory health care services, while full-time jobs with benefits continue to shrink as a percentage of total jobs.

These part-time jobs do not provide enough income to form a household. Consequently, as a Federal Reserve study reports, “Nationally, nearly half of 25-year-olds lived with their parents in 2012-2013, up from just over 25% in 1999.”

When half of 25-year olds cannot form households, the market for houses and home furnishings collapses.

Finance is the only sector of the US economy that is growing. The financial industry’s share of GDP has risen from less than 4% in 1960 to about 8% today. As Michael Hudson has shown, finance is not a productive activity. It is a looting activity (Killing The Host).

Moreover, extraordinary financial concentration and reckless risk and debt leverage have made the financial sector a grave threat to the economy.

The absence of growth in real consumer income means that there is no growth in aggregate demand to drive the economy. Consumer indebtedness limits the ability of consumers to expand their spending with credit. These spending limits on consumers mean that new investment has limited appeal to businesses. The economy simply cannot go anywhere, except down as businesses continue to lower their costs by substituting part-time jobs for full-time jobs and by substituting foreign for domestic workers. Government at every level is over-indebted, and quantitative easing has over-supplied the US currency.

This is not the end of the story. When manufacturing jobs depart, research, development, design, and innovation follow. An economy that doesn’t make things does not innovate. The entire economy is lost, not merely the supply chains.

The economic and social infrastructure is collapsing, including the family itself, the rule of law, and the accountability of government.

When college graduates can’t find employment because their jobs have been offshored or given to foreigners on work visas, the demand for college education declines. To become indebted only to find employment that cannot service student loans becomes a bad economic decision.

We already have the situation where college and university administrations spend 75% of the university’s budget on themselves, hiring adjuncts to teach the classes for a few thousand dollars. The demand for full time faculty with a career before them has collapsed. When the consequences of putting short-term corporate profits before jobs for Americans fully hit, the demand for university education will collapse and with it American science and technology.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that ever happened to the United States. The two main consequences of the Soviet collapse have been devastating. One consequence was the rise of the neoconservative hubris of US world hegemony, which has resulted in 14 years of wars that have cost $6 trillion. The other consequence was a change of mind in socialist India and communist China, large countries that responded to “the end of history” by opening their vast under-utilized labor forces to Western capital, which resulted in the American economic decline that this article describes, leaving a struggling economy to bear the enormous war debt.

It is a reasonable conclusion that a social-political-economic system so incompetently run already is a Third World country.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

PCR Interviewed by Press TV on US Violation of China’s 12 Mile Limit

PCR Interviewed by Press TV on US Violation of China’s 12 Mile Limit

The United States should not use "threats and coercion" against Beijing because these tactics do not work against “powerful” countries like China, a former White House official says.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Wednesday.
He was commenting on a statement by Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter who said that the United States will continue operations in the South China Sea after a US warship entered the disputed waters, provoking Beijing’s anger.
“There have been naval operations in that region in recent days, and there will be in the weeks and months,” Carter told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday. “We will fly, sail and operate wherever international law permits, and whenever our operation needs require it.”
The Pentagon chief made the comments when asked about news reports that the US Navy had sent a guided-missile destroyer within 12 nautical miles of one of China’s artificial islands in the South China Sea late on Monday.

The USS Lassen conducts a trilateral naval exercise in May of 2015.

Dr. Roberts said the United States “doesn’t know how to exercise diplomacy. It relies on threats and coercion, and threats and coercion might work against weak countries but they won’t have any effect on a powerful country like China.”
“So what we see here, again, is a foolish United States government creating ill feelings where a powerful nation that is Washington’s major creditor, a powerful nation which is the host to most of the American manufacturing corporations, who used Chinese labor to produce the products that they sell back in the United States to Americans, and they cause needless trouble for a country on which the United States is so dependent for goodwill and cooperation,” he added. “This is a sign of just amazing foolishness.”
“I suspect the Chinese will make a protest and Washington will find that we need China on some issues; they won’t be there, China won’t be there to help,” the analyst noted.
“So it’s all of a senseless policy, but it has been the policy of the United States’ government in the 21st century,” Dr. Roberts concluded.

The Goon Thug Nazis Who “Serve and Protect”

The Goon Thug Nazis Who “Serve and Protect”

Note that the male students just sat there. They could easily have overpowered the criminal
cop, handcuffed him, called the police and reported the goon thug’s assault on a female student. Assault is a felony even when cops do it.

The public should demand that state and local governments stop hiring psychopaths as police officers.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books areThe Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West00

FARS News Agency reports Israeli Colonel captured leading ISIL terrorists

FARS News Agency reports Israeli Colonel captured leading ISIL terrorists

EXCLUSIVE: Israeli Colonel Leading ISIL Terrorists Captured in Iraq
Oct 22, 2015 3:38
EXCLUSIVE: Israeli Colonel Leading ISIL Terrorists Captured in Iraq

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iraqi security and popular forces have caught an Israeli colonel from Golani Brigade along with a number of ISIL terrorists, a commander disclosed on Thursday.

"The security and popular forces have held captive an Israeli colonel," a commander of Iraq's popular mobilization forces said on Thursday.

"The Zionist officer is ranked colonel and had participated in the Takfiri ISIL group's terrorist operations," he added.

Noting that he was arrested along with a number of ISIL terrorists, the commander said, "The Israeli colonel's name is Yusi Oulen Shahak and is ranked colonel in Golani Brigade of the Zionist regime's army with the security and military code of Re34356578765az231434."
He said that the relevant bodies are now interrogating the Israeli colonel to understand the reasons behind his fighting alongside the ISIL forces and the presence of other Zionist officers among ISIL terrorists.

The Iraqi security forces said the captured colonel has already made shocking confessions.
Several ISIL militants arrested in the last one year had already confessed that Israeli agents from Mossad and other Israeli espionage and intelligence bodies were present in the first wave of ISIL attacks on Iraq and capture of Mosul in Summer 2014, but no ranking Israeli agent had been arrested.

Political and military experts told FNA that the capture of the Israeli colonel will leave a grave impact on Iraq's war strategy, including partnership with Israeli allies.

In a relevant development in July, Iraqi volunteer forces announced that they had shot down a drone that was spying on the Arab country's security forces in the city of Fallujah, Western Iraq.

Iraq's popular forces reported that they had brought down a hostile surveillance aircraft over the Southeastern Fallujah in Anbar Province.

They said that the wreckage of the ISIL's spy drone carried 'Israel-Made' labels.
This was not the first Israeli-made drone downed in Iraq.

In August an Israeli Hermes drone was shot down in the vicinity of Baghdad Airport.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books areThe Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Paul Craig Robert: Bring Back Jimmy Carter!

Bring Back JimmyCarter! — Paul Craig Roberts

Bring Back Jimmy Carter!
Paul Craig Roberts

Caught with its pants down in Syria, the US government is making a fool of itself. By attempting to mischaracterize Russia’s actions against ISIS in Syria, Washington has admitted that the terrorists from outside Syria, who are attempting to overthrow the elected government of Syria, are “our guys.”

In an interview with Fox “News,” a senior US government official said: “Putin is deliberately targeting our forces. Our guys are fighting for their lives.”

Professor Michel Chossudovsky reports that “our guys” includes Western military advisers, intelligence agents and mercenaries recruited from private security companies.

The defense official told Fox “News” that the Russians are “completely disingenuous about their desire to fight ISIS.” According to the Obama regime, all of the hundreds of Russian air and missile attacks against ISIS are directed at US trained moderate terrorists — all five of them — and their hundreds of Western advisors.

Evidently, the senior defense official forgot that General Lloyd Austin, who heads US Central Command, recently told the Senate Armed Services Committee that only 4 or 5 of the US-trained “moderate terrorists” remain on the battle field. Obama has cancelled the failed $500 million waste of US taxpayers money to train “moderate terrorists” to overthrow the Syrian government. The trainees took the money and ran.

It is difficult to believe that even the incompetents who work for Fox “News” could really think that the Russians made hundreds of air strikes, supplemented with cruise missile strikes, against 4 or 5 moderate terrorists and their Western advisors. But the stupidity and ignorance of Fox “News” knows no limits. (The most discouraging aspect of my existance is the knowledge that millions of dumbshit Americans sit before Fox “News” for their daily brainwashing.)

But that is the story that senior US government officials are leaking to a gullible, or paid for, Fox “News.”

The truth of the matter—which will never emerge from Fox “News”— is that Washington is using ISIS in an illegal attempt to overthrow an elected government that will not submit to being a Washington puppet.

In clear words, Washington in total violation of law is behaving as a war criminal and is attempting to overthrow an elected government in order to replace it with a vassal answering to Washington.

President Putin has said that Russia will not stand for any more war crimes from Washington in areas of the world that affect Russian national interests. Russia has been asked for assistance by the legitimate government of Syria against ISIS, and the Russian air strikes are exterminating ISIS. This has the Washington war criminals upset. The senior US defense official told Fox “News” that the only role for Russia in Syria is to assist the US in overthrowing Assad. I guess the Washington official didn’t hear what Putin had to say.

The question that desperately needs to be asked will never be asked by the US print and TV media or by NPR. That question is: What is the point of the incessant US government lies about Russia, its actions, and its intentions? Are the warmongers in Washington trying to start World War Three?

Obviously the presidential candidates—both Hillary and all of the Republican dimwits—are determined to start World War Three. Watch the Americans vote for World War Three in the next election.

The United States government no longer has any credibility outside its borders and very little within, as evidenced by recent polls that show that 62 percent of American voters are wishing for a third party in the hopes that it might represent the people instead of a half dozen vested interests that, thanks to the Republican Supreme Court, have purchased the US government, lock, stock and barrel.

The reason so many voters admire Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, even though both have no idea what really needs to be done, is that these two are the only candidates who are raising a fuss about a politial system that serves only a few. Talk about dictators and disenfranchisement, the American voters are the most disenfranchised in human history. Allegedly the US is a democracy, but there is no sign of democracy in the behavior of the government. Sound and careful studies show that the US voter has no input whatsoever into the behavior and decisions of the US government. The US government is as far removed from the people, if not more so, than any dictatorship. We desperately need to be liberated ourselves!

As former President Jimmy Carter recently said, America is no longer a democracy. America is an oligarchy.

Like so many things Carter was right about, but never given credit for by the corrupt American Establishment, Carter is again correct.

I say bring back Jimmy Carter. The man is moral and intelligent. He is a million times better than any presidential candidate in the running. At 90 years of age in a losing war with cancer, Jimmy Carter is our best bet.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books areThe Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Washington and Israel Are the Obstacles to World Peace by Stephen Cohen

US flag waves while displaced Iraqis from the Yazidi community cross the Syria-Iraq border on Feeshkhabour bridge over Tigris River at Feeshkhabour border point, northern Iraq

The fact that Washington has refused to help Russia in the fight against ISIL is evidence of US fears of losing the “ultimate superpower” standing it obtained after the collapse of the USSR, professor of Russian studies at Princeton University and New York University Stephen Cohen believes.

On The John Batchelor Show, the scholar said that the current foreign policy of the United States is indicative of its unwillingness to recognize the multipolarity if the world today. What we are witnessing now, Cohen said, is Washington's failing but persistent effort to maintain its superpower status in the global arena, and this is the primary reason for its refusal to join France, Germany and Russia in a peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis and to join Putin's coalition against ISIL.

"Putin proposed sending to the United States his Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the former president, along with his Secretary of Defense…and the head of his National Security Council, to meet in Washington or somewhere privately to try to create a coalition against the Islamic State. Washington, the White House, refused the offer." Cohen said.

According to the scholar, Putin understood that the idea of a "moderate" Syrian opposition is a myth, and he doesn't want to wager Russia's national security on a myth, "even if Obama wants to do so." This is what led to a proposal to send his Prime Minister to meet with top figures in Washington. And by refusing Putin's proposal, the US only proved that it is becoming an obstacle to a modern peaceful multipolar world.

"Kissinger, I think, is right, the world is in disorder. He is also right…it's a different world." Cohen said, citing a recent article by Henry Kissinger analyzing the breakdown of order in the Middle East and Russian President Putin's rational policy in the region.

"The United States can no longer be number one alone, and therefore the obstacle to moving into the direction of a peaceful world order, the number one obstacle today, and I say this with regret, as an American patriot, is Washington," he declared.

Cohen explained that a multi-polar world is an emerging reality being driven by history, economics, politics, national traditions, and trans-national crises, and by opposing it America is becoming part of the problem, not the solution.

"The world is made up of a lot of different regional histories and traditions. The idea that they can all be governed or ordered from one capital is a kind of crazed arrogance, though Washington clings to it," he concluded.

Read more:

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books areThe Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West