Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2020

Winds On Jupiter

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Planetary scientists detected that an anticyclone on Jupiter called the Little Red Spot produces winds up to 384 miles per hour, far exceeding the 156 mph mark that would make it a category five storm on Earth. Scientists measured wind speeds and directions by tracking the motion of cloud features from two image mosaics from a telescopic Long Range Reconnaissance Imager, taken 30 minutes apart. They combined the LORRI maps with visible-color images from Hubble, and mid-infrared images from the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope allowing scientists to “see” thermal structure and dynamics beneath the visible cloud layers.

Jupiter’s Great Spot isn’t as great as it used to be. It’s actually been steadily shrinking for decades. Now, its younger, smaller sibling, the Little Red Spot, may be taking over the spotlight.The planet Jupiter looms out in space. Its famous feature, the Great Red Spot — a massive, swirling storm — can be seen from your backyard. “If you look at Jupiter through a telescope, it is the red spot you can see,” said Andrew Cheng,  a planetary scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. Now, a newer, younger storm called the Little Red Spot is growing despite its name and proving to be fierce competition for the top spot on Jupiter.
“Jupiter’s red spot is a not  so little,  giant storm,” Dr. Cheng said. “It’s like a hurricane except that its winds blow in the opposite direction”.
The counter-clockwise winds make the storm an anticyclone, and for the first time, planetary scientists have recorded wind speeds of up to 385 mph, the highest ever detected on a planet. That’s 185 mph faster than any category 5 hurricane on earth. “It’s much bigger than any hurricanes that are found on earth”,  Dr. Cheng said. “It’s bigger than earth itself”. The Little Red Spot started out white and recently turned red. Researchers believe increased wind speeds stirred up material that was exposed to ultraviolet radiation, causing a chemical change to make it look red. “Many features in Jupiter’s atmosphere change color from time to time”, Dr. Cheng said. “Now, it looks very much like the Great Red Spot. It’s just a smaller version of it”.
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By keeping an eye on all of Jupiter’s spots, scientists hope to get a better understanding of weather on other planet, too.
ABOUT THE LITTLE RED SPOT: The Little Red Spot on Jupiter is an anti-cyclonic storm formed by the merger of three separate storms observed since the 1930s. In 1998 two of the storms came together and were joined in 2000 by a third to form a storm roughly the size of the planet Earth. Using data from recent telescope and spacecraft observations, scientists determined that the storm has some of the highest wind speeds ever detected on any planet. In 2005 it started turning red for unknown reasons, and now it looks similar to its larger, more famous neighbor, the Great Red Spot. The peak wind speed for the Little Red Spot is in excess of 384 miles per hour.
WHAT IS AN ANTI-CYCLONE? Unlike hurricanes, which rotate around a center of low pressure, anti-cyclones rotate around centers of high pressure. On earth that means that air at lower elevations is forced away from the center, creating an opening that pulls cold air down from above. That leads to low humidity and few clouds. On Earth, anticyclones are often predictors of fair weather, though special conditions can create anti-cyclonic tornadoes. There are examples of anti-cyclonic storms on other planets, such as Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Ηλεκτρικό ελικόπτερο με 18 έλικες!

Το νέο θαύμα της σύγχρονης μηχανικής ονομάζεται Volocopter VC200.
Το ιδιαίτερο χαρακτηριστικό αυτού του ηλεκτρικού ελικοπτέρου της E-volo είναι οι 18 έλικες που διαθέτει για να σηκώσει την καμπίνα δύο επιβατών από το έδαφος και να κάνει ένα ταξίδι 20 λεπτών με μία μόλις φόρτιση.
Αντί για κινητήρα εσωτερικής καύσης βασίζεται στους 18 ηλεκτροκίνητους ρότορες του κάτι που το καθιστά φιλικό προς το περιβάλλον και άκρως οικολογικό..

Το συγκεκριμένο μεταφορικό μέσο αναμένεται να έχει μια σταθερή ταχύτητα τουλάχιστον 100 χιλ/ώρα, και να φτάνει σε ύψος μέχρι και τα 1.980 μέτρα, ενώ το μέγιστο βάρος απογείωσης του στα 450 κιλά και η διάρκεια πτήσης του να ξεπερνά την μία ώρα..

Μέχρι να γίνουν όμως όλα αυτά.. και η απαραίτητη πρόοδος στην τεχνολογία αποθήκευσης ενέργειας, η ομάδα της E-volo βλέπει το Volocopter ως ένα υβριδικό ηλεκτρικό αεροσκάφος με δυνατότητα επέκτασης της αυτονομίας του η οποία θα του επιτρέπει μια διάρκεια πτήσης αρκετών ωρών. (μέσω μιας εσωτερικής μηχανής καύσης φυσικά..)
 __ Two years after the first manned Volocopter VC1, our e-volo team presented the two-seater VC200. The first radio controlled flight tests took place on November, 17th 2019 in the dm-arena in Karlsruhe, Germany.
The flight tests have been very successful. We performed 9 flights with a total airtime of 20 minutes and still some battery capacity remaining. Our team was excited about the flight stability, the low vibration and the pleasant sonorous sound of the Volocopter. Sie wollen Teil dieser Innovation werden? Investieren Sie bei unserem Crowdfunding:

Sunday, August 28, 2011

15 Most Magnificent Engineering Technologies in The World

Most Expensive Object on Earth – The Itaipu hydroelectric dam on the Parana River between Brazil and Paraguay cost $27 billion to build in 1984 ($35.93 billion today), which makes it the priciest object on Earth. Only the International Space Station (ISS) has cost more as a single project – Magnificent Engineering in The World.

1) Largest Flood Defence

The Delta Works off the coast of Holland is a huge series of dams, locks, sluices, storm surge barriers and dykes designed to protect low-lying areas of the country from the sea. Construction began in 1950 and ended in 1997 with the completion of the Maeslantkering and the Hartelkering barriers. The Delta Works contain some 16,495 km (10,250 miles) of dykes and around 300 structures.

2) Largest Man-Made Excavation

The Bingham Canyon Copper Mine near Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, is the world’s largest man-made excavation. More than 5.4 billion tonnes (15.9 billion tons) of rock have been excavated from it since 1906. Visible from space, it measures 4 km (2.5 miles) across and 1.2 km (0.75 miles) deep and has been called “the richest hole on Earth”. In 2001, more than 15.4 million tonnes (16.9 million tons) of copper have been produced from the mine, as well as 652 million g (23 million oz) of gold and 5.3 billion g (190 million oz) of silver.

3) Heaviest Weight Lifted by Crane

A barge, ballasted with water and weighing a hefty 20,133 tonnes (44,385,667 lb), was lifted by the “Taisun” crane at Yantai Raffles Shipyard, Yantai, China, on 18 April 2008.

4) Longest Drilled Oil Well

The world’s longest drilled oil well is BD-04-A, with a total length of 12,289 m (40,320 ft). It was completed in May 2008 by Maersk Oil Qatar and Qatar Petroleum, in the Al-Shaheen offshore oil field off the coast of Qatar. The well includes a horizontal section measuring 10,902 m (35,790 ft).

5) Largest Excavator By Hand

Jagersfontein Mine near Jagersfontein, South Africa, is an open pit mine that has provided some of the largest diamonds ever discovered. It operated as a mine from 1888 until 1971, first as an open mine and underground mine. The Jagersfontein Mine was dug by hand to a depth of 201 m (660 ft) between 1888 and 1911. The area of the opening measures 19.65 ha (48.55 acres).

6) Largest Man-Made Leaning Tower

The “Capital Gate” has an inclination of 18 degrees and is 160 m (524 ft 11 in) high. It was designed by Global Architects RMJM (Dubai) and was completed in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, on 4 January 2010.

7) Tallest Bridge

The 2,460-m-long (8,070-ft) Milau Viaduct across concrete piers, the tallest of which measures 333.88 m (1,095 ft 4.8 in) from the ground to its highest point.

8) Largest Lake Created by a Nuclear Explosion

On 15 January 1965, the Soviet Union detonated a 140-kiloton nuclear device underneath a dry bed of the Chagan River, Kazakhstan, Part of the Soviets’ Nuclear Explosions for the National Economy programme, the raise rim of the resulting crater dammed the river, allowing the creation of a reservoir, now known as Lake Chagan. It has volume of around 100,000 m3 (3,531,000 ft3).

9) Tallest Hospital

Guy’s Tower at Guy’s Hospital in London, UK, is 142.6 m (468 ft) tall. It was completed in 1974 and has 34 floors.

10) Tallest Boat Lift

The Strepy-Thieu boat lift on the Canal du Centre, Hainaut, Belgium, uses a counterweight system to carry boats a vertical distance of 73.15 m (240 ft) from its upstream and downstream sections. The two boxes, or caissons, that each boat enters are 112 x 12 m (367 x 39 ft), and weight between 7,200 and 8,400 tonnes (7,936-9,259 tons), depending on the current water level. It takes seven minutes for the vertical journey to be completed.

11) Tallest Electricity Pylon

A chain of pylons carry electricity conductors down the Longdendale Valley to Manchester. The first pylon is a strainer. The others are suspension pylons.

At Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, China, two electricity transmission pylons stand on opposite banks of the Yangtze River at 346.5 m (1,137 ft) tall. Their length allows the power lines to span the river, which is 2,303 m( 7,556 ft) wide at this point. Another pylon, on the Damaoshan Mountain in Zhoushan city, China, will be 370 m (1,213 ft) tall when it is completed in 2010.

12) Widest Canal

The Cape Cod Canal, which crosses the land that connects Cape Cod to mainland Massachusetts, USA, was constructed between 1909 and 1916. It is 28 km (17.4 miles) long and 164.6 m (540 ft) wide. It is a segment of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, which runs for 4,800 km (3,000 miles) along the American east coast.

13) Most Expensive Object on Earth

The Itaipu hydroelectric dam on the Parana River between Brazil and Paraguay cost $27 billion to build in 1984 ($35.93 billion today), which makes it the priciest object on Earth. Only the International Space Station (ISS) has cost more as a single project.

14) Tallest Chimney Demolished by Explosives

The Westerholt Power Station in Gelsenkirchen-Westerholt, Germany, was a coal power station constructed in the 1960s and decommissioned in 2005. Its chimney, or smokestack, was constructed in 1997 and was 337 m (1,104 ft) high – the tallest in Germany at that time. It was demolished using explosives on 3 December 2006.

15) Most Spacious Building

The Boeing Company’s main assembly plant Everett, Washington, USA, has a volume of 13.4 million m3, (472 million ft3) and a floor area of 39.8 ha (98.3 acres). Boeing’s 747, 767 and 777 aircraft are assembled there.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Turanor PlanetSolar - A Supersized Solar-Powered Catamaran

M/S TÛRANOR PlanetSolar is a multihull vessel topped by a large array of photovoltaic solar panels, constructed by Knierim Yacht Club, in Kiel, Germany. Built in 14 months, the biggest ever solar boat has impressive dimensions but is both silent and clean.

The multihull will be home to six sailors during the round-the-world attempt, and can accommodate up to forty people during the promotional trips planned at each port of call.

On its round-the-globe expedition, the TÛRANOR* PlanetSolar will pioneer the use of sustainable energy technology on water. It is different from anything that has happened in the field of mobility to date. This solar catamaran uses the very latest cutting-edge technology available on the market. Our intention is to demonstrate that high-performance solar mobility can be realised today by making innovative use of existing materials and technology.

The ideal shape and size of the boat for the chosen route was determined by in-depth research. The PlanetSolar engineers have to factor in a host of parameters – propulsion, solar panel design, energy storage, materials and the external environment.

A whole range of studies will need to be conducted in areas such as the boat’s hydro and aerodynamics, the materials used, the management and storage of energy and, finally, the power plant and optimal routing. It is a concentration of futuristic technology.

* The name TÛRANOR is derived from the “Lord of the Rings” saga by J.R.R. Tolkien and translates as “the power of the sun” and "victory".



PlanetSolar is a catamaran that runs solely on the energy found in light. Additional removable parts allow it to expose a total of 537 m2 of photovoltaic modules (solar panels) to the sun. This impressive data makes it the biggest solar-powered ship in the world.

Legnth: 31 m
Width: 15 m
Length with flaps: 35 m
Width with flaps: 23 m
Height: 6.1 m
Draft: 1.55 m
Weight: 95 t
Surface area of solar modules: 537 m2
PV panel efficiency: 18.8%
Installed PV power: 93.5 kW (127.0 hp)
Average engine consumption: 20 kW (26.8 hp)
Crew: 6 people
Number of people that can go on board: 40
Autonomy: never-ending solar navigation


Monday, August 15, 2011

Spaceport America - Virgin Galactic, Richard Branson

 Aircraft Spaceship Stars

 Aircraft Spaceship Stars

A new space era is dawning in the middle of the New Mexico (USA) desert, with the construction of the first private space port. And the Spaceport America could be just the first in a series of other similar infra-structures, should the investment in the space industry prove to be right. Behind this initiative is Virgin Galactic, belonging to multimillionaire Richard Branson, who invested 300 million dollars in the project.

The contest for the Spaceport America building was won by renowned British firm Foster+partners, which has been distinguished for the creation of bold and cutting-edge projects, especially airports. The entire set is over 10 000m^2 and incorporates green technology, from solar panels to cooling systems through tubes buried in the ground, which makes them self-sufficient and a new paradigm where sustainable architecture is concerned.
Furthermore, the new spaceport presents the necessary conditions to become a new icon in image and environmental integration. According to its authors, its dynamic shape tries to capture the "drama and mystery" of space traveling, evoking retro-futuristic images of the first steps in space conquest. But this time it isn't just science-fiction: the Spaceport America should start activities next year (2011).

 Aircraft Spaceship Stars

 Aircraft Spaceship Stars

 Aircraft Spaceship Stars

 Aircraft Spaceship Stars

 Aircraft Spaceship Stars
The Virgin Galactic's involvement in this project didn't happen at random. The company already has the spaceships that will be put to work there, namely the spaceship White Knight Two, and the recently introduced Space Ship Two, able to carry 6 passengers and travel at over 100 km of altitude. If you happen to have 200 000 dollars to pay for a trip that includes three training days at the Spaceport America, a few minutes under zero gravity, bar service and a descent with 6 G forces, then you should promptly make a reservation, because there are plenty of candidates. And if you think it's expensive, I will have you know that transatlantic air trips - one way only - cost a little less than that, at the time they were introduced.

 Aircraft Spaceship Stars

 Aircraft Spaceship Stars

 Aircraft Spaceship Stars