Showing posts with label opel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opel. Show all posts

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Burgers + fries

                                                                                             sneakers: adidas
                                                                                             jeans: zara
                                                                                             t-shirt: h&m
                                                                                             belt: mango
                                                                                             bag: mona
                                                                                             sunglasses: ray ban
                                                                                             ph. Marija Pecic

Skinny jeans and t-shirt can really be a good proof that less is more if you match them perfectly. Just add some round shades, comfy sneakers and you can already feel those retro vibes from this simple outfit. Looking laid back and cool especially when you travel by car (I meant cutie pie like Opel Adam), you gotta love it!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

White on white

                                                                                                  CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                                   sandals: zara
                                                                                                   jeans: zara
                                                                                                   shirt: zara
                                                                                                   jacket: zara
                                                                                                   bag: zara
                                                                                                   sunglasses: ray ban
                                                                                                   necklace: h&m
                                                                                                   bracelets: h&m
                                                                                                   rings: shh jewelry
                                                                                                   ph. Masa

One more white on white look but this time paired with sandals and fringed bag.
May I say that I'm obsessed with this blouse? ;)

Monday, March 16, 2020

Around the city with Adam Rocks


Last year I had a chance to test drive the new Opel Adam Rocks so I decided to give it a try in the city conditions. As a freelancer I'm in the constant movement, running from one part of the city to another and a small car with performances like Adam was my lifesaver in those days cause I was able to finish photo shootings, meetings, fittings and many other things (like ice-cream pit stops) a much more easier.
With head-turning design, unlimited personalization possibilities and award winning connectivity you can create a car of your dreams. And what I loved the most about this car are the Swingtop canvas roof and the standard Hill Start Assist function that allowed me stress free parking or pulling away on the slope cause when the brake pedal is released it maintains the brake pressure for up to 2 seconds to prevent backward moving. And you know that the hills are my nightmare! ;)
If you asking me to describe Adam in one sentence,  it would be something like this:
Comfortable to drive, easy to park and above all safe car which is super cute and Instagram photogenic. ;)

Tuesday, February 4, 2020



After our super short trip to Bratislava in September, Jelena and I decided to switch new Astra to Opel Zafira and continue our trip to Vienna with friends. So, how was it? These short clips aka Vines are probably the best way to describe it!
Let's start:
- last minute decision to book a hotel or some apartment for five friends in a fully packed Vienna at the end of the September led us to this: (I found the perfect apartment without beds which was gallery right before we came in, so call me if you need any recommendation)
- we were strolling through the rainy Vienna every day:
- we became regular guests at Roberto, where we met amazing girls from Serbia:  (you must try cocktails with raspberries)
- we visited the secret club thanks to our new friends: (if you have that special key, you are more than welcome)
- we strolled again, this time to Albertina museum: ,
- we decided to have more raspberries at the Palmenhaus:
-  we were trying out our new clothes: (coat over Pj's and heels is almost normal thing to do before bed time)
- we were changing restaurants, bars, cafes on a daily base:
- we even made a decision to be glamours at some point: ,
- and then we needed to go home:
So, how was it? ;)

p.s. and if you need Vienna guide, check my old posts: here/here/and here.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Bratislava with Opel


Couple months ago (September to be more precise), Jelena and I went to Bratislava with Opel and after a short Vienna-Belgrade flight, we had a chance to attend the international media launch for the new Opel Astra. We started our test drive from Vienna airport to Bratislava with possibility to drive through The Little Carpathians. It was fun as usual to tryout all the new features such as the improved next generation Opel eye front, traffic sign assist, following distance indication, lane keep assist, wellness massage (yap) and probably one of my favorite - personal connectivity and service assistant Opel OnStar.
After we freshened up a little bit at our Grand Hotel River Park we went for a short sightseeing and for the first time I had that feeling of not liking some city. Sorry Bratislava, but you were a little disappointing. Luckily, we had organized dinner at the Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum of modern art which was (beside our hotel) the prettiest place in town. Instead of being taken to our dinner destination by bus, as is the norm for car launches, we were asked to take to the wheel ourselves. The reason? Opel’s groundbreaking new IntelliLux LED matrix light that made its debut in the new Astra. Don't believe it? Just click here!
The test route, the typical, cool and warm Opel atmosphere, the car, the technologies, the innovations, everything was great, so thank you Opel for this experience!

For more short videos from this trip, click here! ;)

Wednesday, January 15, 2020



Remember when I told you that I have good excuses for not updating this place for a whole month? Well, #ADAMyourself is one of them! Back in December, Jelena and I went to Frankfurt to shoot Opel ADAMyourself campaign and it was really a unique experience! With Europe's most popular lifestyle bloggers, we designed our own ADAM, bringing various social media channels – YouTube, Instagram, etc. – into the mix.
The campaign has two goals. First off, to underscore the countless ways in which customers can personalize the ADAM and the second campaign goal is to be “With #ADAMYOURSELF,  right where the future ADAM drivers are: on social media channels.” And the best part of it is that you can win the car that you design! How cool is that?
It is one-of-a-kind online campaign, which will be run under the hashtag #ADAMyourself.  Country-specific juries, made up of Opel representatives and each country’s respective social media star (aka Jelena and Vanja) will sift through the entries and choose our favorite designs. Starting in the fall of 2020, these winning designs will be put into production for the limited, special edition ‘ADAMyourself’ model series. The cherry on top: The winning designers will become the face of ADAM for their respective countries!
Enter your pesonal ADAM design into the compettetion on and then, if your design is selected, you may also become the new "advertising face" for the ADAM - with YOUR ADAM design to be produced as a limited edition. Go visit Its worth it!
Good luck!


Sećate se onoga da imam mnogo dobre izgovore zbog kojih je usledila kraća pauza na blogu? Toliko su dobri da upravo zbog jednog od njih možete osvojiti auto! I to ne bilo kakav, već auto koji sami dizajnirate!
Početkom decembra, Jelena i ja smo provele par dana u Nemačkoj zbog sjajnog projekta, a kako je ona daleko bolji story teller od mene, prepuštam vas njenim rečima! :)

"Ima ta neka fora sa vremenom, što ga više puštate da prolazi, sve manje stvari uspeva da vas pomeri, oh ma znate, onaj dosadni osećaj I've seen it all... Pauze nekako postaju sve duže, a događaji kao da se pretvaraju u treptaj oka. Ok, slažem se, tih nekoliko svećica više na životnoj torti donose bezbrižni kul stav, ali pomalo ubijaju elan (ili sam to samo ja?!).
Ali, opet... Budete potpuno spremni za baš, baaaaš, stvarno baš ozbiljne stvari!
Kao na primer to da vas jedan tako velik brend  kao što je Opel izabere da zajedno sa nekoliko svetskih blogera ove godine budete njihov ambasador. I to ne neke, obične akcije, već fantastičnog #ADAMyourself koncepta - igre koja će najkreativnijem&najsrećnijem učesniku doneti automobil na poklon!
Oh da! Upravo!
No, hajmo redom...
Vanja i ja smo se krajem prošle godine (huh, ovo mi je i dalje čudno, dužna sam vam pošteni rezime 2020.) obrele u Opel centrali u gradiću Rüsselsheimu: direktno sa aerodroma pravo u šminkersku stolicu, oh well, život je umeo da bude i lošiji.
U ogromnom hangaru čekao nas je naš ružičasti #ADAMyourself svet, mislim da naš francuski bistro, sve sa flamingosima ne treba dodatno objašnjavati.
Cilj različitih scenografija bio je da pokaže uz koliko se različitih karaktera Adam savršeno slaže. Ipak se radi o automobilu koji možete personalizovati i tako ga u potpunosti prilagoditi samo vašim potrebama. Dizajnerski tim sa Mark Adamsom na čelu nam je priznao da i dalje zagledaju Adame po ulici, jer ni oni ne mogu da izbroje i zamisle sve dostupne kombinacije boja, tekstura i detalja. Posle obraćanja direktora Karl-Thomasa Neumanna i brend menadžerke Tine Müller nastupio je zabavni deo!
Trebalo je dizajnirati naš Adam: (naravno) posvađale smo se oko boje, felne sam prepustila Vanji, 16 puta smo promenile izgled krova, pola sata razmišljale da li da u unutrašnjost dodamo zvezdice ili pruge (površne smo - krive smo!), ali kada je Opel tim došao do nas, predale smo im dizajn Coffee to go .
Sledeća dva dana proveli smo snimajući kratke filmove u kojima ćemo vam bliže predstaviti sve aspekte ovog zgodnog automobila, od enterijera, preko udobnosti, sve do vožnje u ekstremnim uslovima (dovoljno je reći dve reči: test staza!).
Ali, zaustavljam se ovde i premotavam brzo na deo koji će vama biti najzabavniji, sada svi imate priliku da dizajnirate svog Adama iz snova - OVDE.
A dalje sledi prava trešnjica na torti, ukoliko vaš dizajn prikupi najviše glasova i uđe u top 10 dobijate šansu da baš taj model i osvojite!
U žiriju ćemo biti Vanja i ja kao i predstavnici kompanije Opel i jedva čekamo da vidimo za koje opcije ste se vi odlučili (iskreno ja se još uvek premišljam između naše boje i pastelno mint nijanse - previše je izbora...).
Ali ima još, i još je bolje!
Vaš dizajn može ući i u proizvodnju kao deo limitirane kolekcije, a upravo ćete vi postati njegovo zaštitno lice!
Složićete se na našem tržištu skoro nije bila organizovana bolja igra?
I šta čekate?!
Pravac na dizajniranje!"

Rekla sam da je mnogo dobro, zar ne?! ;)
Zato, #ADAMyourself i napravite vaš auto!

p.s. kako je sve otprilike izgledalo, možete videti ovde i ovde! ;)