Showing posts with label Monty Python. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monty Python. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2020

127th Annual Upper Class Twit of the Year

Many thanks to Main Line Sportsman and his keen memory for recalling this classic Monty Python skit. What was laughed at yesterday is tweedy fashion today. Check in next week when we'll explore Williamsburg heritage inspired by the sartorial aesthetic of Jethro Bodine.

Contestant No. 1 - Vivian Smith-Smythe-Smith, He's in the Grenadier Guards but can count up to four.

Contestant No. 2 - Simon-Zinc-Trumpet-Harris, He's an Old Etonian and married to a very attractive table lamp.

Contestant No. 3 - Nigel Incubator Jones, His best friend is a tree and in his spare time he's a stock broker.

Contestant No. 4 - Gervaise Brook-Hamster, He's in the wine trade and his father uses him as a waste paper basket.

Contestant No. 5 - Oliver St John-Mollusc, Another Old Etonian, his father was a cabinet minister and his mother won the Derby.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tintin Sweater at the Aspen Comedy Festival 1998

Terry Gilliam'Tintin sweater (it's itchy)

Terry Gilliam knocks over Graham Chapman's urn :33 seconds in. I've been carting around this newspaper clipping for 12 years - just for this very moment. Gilliam appears to share a shoe and sock fetish with our very own ADG at Maxifly, Maxipad, Maxilad, Maxidice, Maxihandling, Maxioptions, Maxiflusser, Maxi...