Showing posts with label Articles & Columns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Articles & Columns. Show all posts

Saturday, March 7, 2020

We Are Threatened By More Than Coronavirus: The Deadly Consequences of Wokeness and Identity Politics

We Are Threatened By More Than Coronavirus: The Deadly Consequences of Wokeness and Identity Politics

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The Consequences of Identity Politics
Cultural, social, and moral death inflicted by “wokeness” 
Paul Craig Roberts
We face more dangers—perhaps greater ones—than the coronavirus. Both the US as a community of people and its economy are under dangerous assault by forces of our own making. This article focuses on the threat to community.  A future article will address the threat to the economy.
Here are three examples of what has happened to the United States as a community of people:

In the first link above a college professor who emigrated to the US from the Soviet Union as a young woman describes the Sovietization of America.  She doesn’t mean that the economy has been communized or socialized.  She means the rise of denunciation in place of reasoned discourse.
Education has become the home of wokeness and Identity Politics. These ideologies allow “people to hound and persecute with impunity.  People love it because it allows a little person to completely destroy somebody who has done something great.  This is very human. Once you have removed any moral or religious obstacles to that behavior, what’s to stop anybody?”
On her campus, “We have this bias response team that prowls the campus looking for signs of non-compliance. We had the same thing in the Soviet Union. Right now they’re on campus, but eventually, they’re going to be in every workplace. If you have everybody in your workplace trained in diversity, then you can treat your workers however you like.”
In the workplace as well as in the educational system, the culture created by diversity and sensitivity training turns co-workers into enemies. “Either they can get you in trouble, or they are out to destroy you with an accusation. It destroys all sorts of communities – friendship, families, church communities. When you set people against each other, they are much easier to control. This is what it was like under totalitarianism.”  But in the United States, the conformity is not being imposed by the government.  It is the offspring of the leftwing that abandoned the working class, peace, and empathy for others. You can read this story in Diana Johnstone’s brilliant memoir of our time, Circle in the Darkness ( ).
The college professor says that in the “Soviet Union when you were a student and assigned to write a paper, you knew that the thing to do was to go straight to the correct books in the library and copy the relevant articles, word for word, with no deviations. That was your paper. When my family left, we arrived in Canada, and I entered the university there. When I was assigned my first paper, I found it impossible to believe that the teacher really did want me to think for myself. It was an incredible feeling! To think about something, and to say what I really thought about it! It was so weird, but so liberating. Now, I’m seeing young people who are just like we were in the Soviet Union. They are afraid to think for themselves. They only want to know what the “right” answer is, and repeat it. It’s depressing.”
She mentors early career academics, but the graduate students are not capable of producing scholarship.  Instead they turn in “collections of woke slogans.”  She says the students don’t even understand what she wants from them. “It seems like all they get in the schools is dogma. They have no real knowledge of anything – they just repeat slogans, and when you ask them to explain it, they turn blank.”
The American educational system has become a place where people are afraid to express opinions and debate issues. The slightest wrong thought or word can bring denunciation. They fear being marginalized, cancelled as a person, turned into a pariah. “If somebody departs from the dogma, even by an inch, that person is an evil, hate-filled bigot.”
She says it wasn’t this way 10 years ago, but quickly spread in academia and now the workplace like a virus among the population.
The second link above shows the consequence of decades of teaching American blacks to hate American whites.  This highly destructive teaching of hatred is now being further institutionalized in the American educational system by the New York Times’ 1619 Project.  After the experience  in Russia and China of communists teaching people hatred of capitalists and the bourgeoisie and the hatred of Jews generated in pre-WWII Germany, why does the New York Times and the American Left want to repeat the experience here?
The third link shows that not even well-organized feminists, an influential victim group, are immune from woke attacks from the Identity Politics that enabled the feminists to rise as a denunciatory force.  Live by the sword and die by the sword.  This seems to be the future of America. 

Sunday, March 1, 2020

VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION -- How to strengthen yourself against the virus

How to strengthen yourself against the virus

This information will help you to understand how viruses attack us,
 and it provides information that you can use to help protect yourself.  
It is somewhat technical, but the recommendations are clear.  Click “Download here.”

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

As the Democratic Party Hates “Trump Deplorables,” How Can It Represent White People? Paul Craig Roberts

As the Democratic Party Hates “Trump Deplorables,” How Can It Represent White People?

As the Democratic Party Hates “Trump Deplorables,” How Can It Represent White People?
Paul Craig Roberts
The Democrats are toast because they are incapable of producing a leader and are the politicians of divisive Identity Politics.  The party’s ideology is anti-white and anti-male. 
The party is also ensnared in Biden’s corruption. The Obama regime used Ukraine as a money laundering operation.  Billions of US taxpayers’ money flowed to Ukraine and most then flowed back to Democrats like Biden and Son.  The Clintons perfected this kind of scheme and accumulated $1,500 million in their “foundation” and $120 million in their private pockets. Tell me, from where did a poor boy from Arkansas and a second-rate lawyer get this amount of money?
The utterly corrupt Democrats have spent the entirety of Trump’s first term in CIA/FBI orchestrated coups—Russiagate and Impeachgate–for which they never could produce a gram of evidence.  The US media is so corrupt and so devoid of integrity that the Democrats could get away with this with the media.  But not with the American people, a growing majority of which trusts neither Democrats nor the lying corrupt media, CNN least of all.

This doesn’t mean the Republicans are any good.  I criticize Trump all the time and have pointed out real reasons for impeaching him, but these reasons impose on Democrats’ corrupt interests and relationships and are ignored.  Trump will win a second term because he is not perceived, as Democrats are perceived, as anti-white, and whites are still a voting majority despite Democrats’ efforts to reduce white Americans to a minority that can be democratically persecuted.  Indeed, many whites already feel this way.  They cannot say anything, intentionally or not, that “offends” a preferred minority protected by “hate speech” and “hate crimes,” protections denied to white Americans.  Yet white Americans have to endure 24/7 slander that they are racists, white supremacists, misogynists, homophobic, anti-semite  and whatever the term is for not caring for the “transgendered.”
Trump also speaks for the working class dismissed by Democrats as the “Trump Deplorables.”  It is the working class that has paid for “globalism” and trade deals by having their jobs given to foreigners. The way America is ruled, it benefits the One Percent with crumbs spilling down to the top 10 percent.  No one else benefits.  Trump is a multi-billionaire who aligned with working Americans. That’s how he got elected. I remember driving through working class neighborhoods and seeing only Trump signs.  That’s when I knew he would be elected. The Democrats have abandoned the working class and the poor for Wall Street money. Bill Clinton and Hillary showed them the way.
During Trump’s entire term he has had to spend his energy resisting the orchestrated attacks designed to remove him from office. It seems clear that this is perceived by those Americans who have been seriously harmed by globalism, jobs offshoring, unlimited immigration legal as well as illegal, wars, and racial and gender quotas. The obvious link between the Democrats and the military/security complex in the attack on Trump has destroyed the image of the Democratic Party. The Democrats are now a party of war.
This leaves the Democrats as a party that does not in any way represent working Americans.  One of the Democrat candidates for the presidential nomination is a capitalist who has more billions than Trump. The Democrats are determined to prevent “socialist” Bernie Sanders from getting the presidential nomination because he might do something for the working class.
A serious question remains.  As the military/security complex despite the efforts of CIA director John Brennon, the efforts of FBI director Comey, the efforts of the Obama Justice (sic) Department, and the presstitutes failed to assassinate Trump with words, will bullets be next?
America is a destroyed country.  America’s schools and universities teach disrespect if not hatred of white people and heterosexual males.  The epithets are driven in year after year–rapists, racists, slavers, misogynists. This anti-male propaganda shows up even in corporate ads such as Gillette’s infamous putdown of men. 2w“
The impact of such a demeaning diet on young white males is devastating.  Some seek refuge by becoming feminized and supportive of the attack on their race and gender.  NPR is full of such males as are American universities. Parents of white males in elementary schools find that the feminized teachers have no interest in the academic success of their sons. Little is done to help them; much to demoralize them.
Other young white males seek refuge in suicide. On June 18, 2019, the Los Angeles Times reported that “The rate at which young Americans took their own lives reached a high-water mark in 2017, driven by a sharp rise in suicides among older teenage boys . . .  Suicide is now thought to be the second leading cause of death for Americans between 10 and 34.”   The Journal of the American Medical Association reported that for the age group 14-24 the suicide rate of males is four times higher than that of females.
In America, the role of men and the respect they once had as providers and protectors has been stripped away.  Today senior white male professors are upbraided by deans  and sensitivity officers and sometimes ordered to sensitivity training because they used the words “girls” in class.
At Cambridge University, white professors and administrators have assigned to them a person of color to monitor their speech, reading list, lectures, and attitude in order to guarantee that no literary expression and fact of history, law, physics or biology “offends” a protected minority.
That a faculty as prestigious as Cambridge’s, a university ranked as number two in the world after Oxford, would accept this humiliation is proof that whites in countries that still have white majorities are now second class citizens.  One wonders what follows after this. Will white professors next be sent to re-education centers?  Will they be deported like Jews in Nationalist Socialist Germany? What will happen to white people who are continually demonized in universities and the media and by Democrats? 
These questions are not entirely rhetorical.  In 2017 the Huffington Post allowed a feminist, or a parody of one, to raise the question of denying white men the vote:
“If white men no longer had the vote, the progressive cause would be strengthened. It would not be necessary to deny white men indefinitely – the denial of the vote to white men for 20 years (just less than a generation) would go some way to seeing a decline in the influence of reactionary and neo-liberal ideology in the world. The influence of reckless white males were (sic) one of the primary reasons that led to the Great Recession which began in 2008. This would also strike a blow against toxic white masculinity, one that is long needed.”  (The article, “Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise,” by Shelley Garland was published on April 13, 2017. The article has since been taken down as the author’s identity could not be confirmed.)
Beloit College Dean Lisa Anderson-Levy declared that “whiteness poses an existential threat to social, political and economic life in the US.”  Texas State University student Rudy Martinez wrote that “white death will mean liberation for all.”  Georgetown University professor Christine Fair was so incensed by Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Surpeme Curt that she wrote that the Senate Judiciary Committee, a “chorus of entitled white men . . . deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps.”  
Any white student, dean or professor who made such statements about blacks and women would be dismissed and made unemployable.  Yet women and racial “minorities” are free to make insulting, hostile, and divisive statements about white men without fear of being accused of hate speech or insensitivity.
How can a party that has delegitimized white people expect to lead them?  
America is a country fragmented by inculcated race and gender hostilities.  The obvious divisiveness is not a recommendation for multiculturalism.

Coronavirus Update by Paul Craig Roberts

Coronavirus Update

 Coronavirus Update 
Paul Craig Roberts
Using more recent data from China of the coronavirus’ infection and death rates than the Indian scientists had, “Moon of Alabama” concludes that the “pandemic” has reached its peak and will be over with in a month.  
If so, then Jon Rappoport was correct in the beginning that coronavirus was just another big scare hype.
Let’s hope that this is the case and that the coronavirus is a far less threat than ordinary flu. Nevertheless, such a happy outcome still leaves us with a lot of puzzling questions.  Here are a few of them:
  1. Why such an enormous effort by the Chinese government using draconian quarantine measures affecting millions of people and multi-country halts of travel to and from China over a threat far less serious than ordinary flu?  
  2. Why is there a rush to develop a vaccine?
  3. Why the expert predictions of a worldwide pandemic?
  4. Why did the virus originate in a Chinese city known to have labs for the study of dangerous viruses?
  5. Why do the scare viruses originate in China—SARS, swine flu, bird flue, coronavirus?
  6. Why did the team of scientists in India find elements of HIV in the coronavirus genome that is believed to raise the infectious potential, a finding, if correct, implies the engineering of a bioterror weapon?
The scientists might be wrong, but they are not presenting a conspiracy theory.  They published their paper provisionally in order to get input from other scientists.  I have no idea whether their findings will be validated, and whatever we are told, we might never know.  If the virus proves to be bioengineered, the Chinese government will know whether something they did escaped.  If they are not responsible for the virus, they will perceive an attack on them by the US.  This type of information would confirm Chinese suspicions:
“Research conducted by the Pentagon, and DARPA specifically, has continually raised concerns, not just in the field of bioweapons and biotechnology, but also in the fields of nanotechnology, robotics and several others. DARPA, for instance, has been developing a series of unsettling research projects that ranges from microchips that can create and delete memories from the human brain to voting machine software that is rife with problems.
“Now, as fear regarding the current coronavirus outbreak begins to peak, companies with direct ties to DARPA have been tasked with developing its vaccine, the long-term human and environmental impacts of which are unknown and will remain unknown by the time the vaccine is expected to go to market in a few weeks time.
“Furthermore, DARPA and the Pentagon’s past history with bioweapons and their more recent experiments on genetic alteration and extinction technologies as well as bats and coronaviruses in proximity to China have been largely left out of the narrative, despite the information being publicly available. Also left out of the media narrative have been the direct ties of both the USAMRIID and DARPA-partnered Duke University to the city of Wuhan, including its Institute of Medical Virology.
“Though much about the origins of the coronavirus outbreak remains unknown, the U.S. military’s ties to the aforementioned research studies and research institutions are worth detailing as such research — while justified in the name of “national security” — has the frightening potential to result in unintended, yet world-altering consequences. The lack of transparency about this research, such as DARPA’s decision to classify its controversial genetic extinction research and the technology’s use as a weapon of war, compounds these concerns. While it is important to avoid reckless speculation as much as possible, it is the opinion of this author that the information in this report is in the public interest and that readers should use this information to reach their own conclusions about the topics discussed herein.”
If the Indian scientists’ findings are correct, we should expect them to be shouted down by government supported scientists.  To save their careers, they would have to acknowledge a mistake in their research.  If the virus were a US manufactured one, China would have the same incentive to coverup the fact as Washington, because otherwise the consequence would be war, for which China is not ready.  
There are other concerns.  For example, concurrent with the announcement of the new virus there were accusations that the Chinese virus lab was responsible for the pandemic threat and might even have released it purposely on its own population. Moon of Alabama is correct to call this a conspiracy theory.  It is a conspiracy theory to discredit the Chinese government with the Chinese population and the rest of the world.  The Chinese government has no interest in harming the Chinese economy and discrediting itself with a population that it is trying to rule without a harsh hand, but Washington has an interest in ruining the Chinese.
I think it is a good thing that the question whether coronavirus is an engineered virus came up. There are a number of secret high security labs around the world doing scary things.  As Whitney Webb writes, “The lack of transparency about this research, such as DARPA’s decision to classify its controversial genetic extinction research and the technology’s use as a weapon of war, compounds these concerns.”  There is a treaty—or was as Washington might have pulled out of it like it has the arms control agreements with the Russians—that supposedly prevents countries from making bioweapons.  However, whether they are making the weapons or not, they are doing research that could quickly be weaponized.  
Perhaps it would be a good thing if there were a worldwide public discussion whether the benefit of the research is greater than the risk of a deadly pandemic.  The lack of transparency makes mischief possible.  Remember the anthrax letters in the wake of 9/11 that turned out to contain a version of anthrax available only in a US government lab.  To cover this up, the letters were blamed on a dead man who had no motive to send the letters and no access to the anthrax.  Something as dangerous as bioengineered pathogens require plenty of transparency. 
There is no reason scientists should be permitted to investigate whatever they want.  Think for a minute, what is the good of nuclear weapons?  Perhaps if Earth were invaded by hightech Aliens, thermonuclear weapons could be a defense.  Perhaps if an astroid is on collision course with Earth, nuclear missiles could shatter it into small pieces that would burn up in the atmosphere or into smaller pieces that would do less damage.  What else are nuclear weapons good for but to bring us Armageddon?
A lot of thought is needed also about robotics and artificial intelligence.  Robots such as those that can withstand deep underwater pressures and radiation are useful.  But robots that displace people can leave humans unemployed and without purpose.  And do we really want machines as smart or smarter than humans or weaponized?
The challenges of these technologies can be very interesting to scientists, but the unintended and ignored consequences can be horrific.
An obvious question is:  If people with white skin cannot use certain words or long-established expressions, cannot read, study, or teach certain subjects that some believe are offensive, and cannot organize or segregate themselves as others are permitted to do, why can scientists and governments study and manufacture things that could terminate life itself?  This makes no sense.  If we do not begin to make better sense soon, conspiracy theories are going to become very real.
We cannot rely on the ethics and morality of governments.  They have neither.  Consider the US and its European vassals.  For 20 years they have bombed, invaded, murdered, and ravaged seven countries, destroying them in whole or part, all on the basis of transparent lies.  And nothing is done about it. Indeed, the murderous process continues.
Based on these transparent lies, President George W. Bush violated the US Constitution and held indefinitely American citizens on suspicion alone, and President Obama violated due process by executing US citizens on suspicion alone.
Neither were impeached.  Congress, the judiciary, and the public accepted this shredding of the US Constitution and stepped into a police state.  When there is no honest media to protect the people, government transparency becomes even more critical.
Since 2009, the US government has overthrown governments in Honduras, Ukraine, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, reversed the reform process in Ecuador, temporarily overthrew Chavez in Venezuela and continues to try to overthrow his successor Maduro. Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Russia, and China remain on Washington’s list of countries to be overthrown.
This extraordinary arrogance is easily capable of using a false flag engineered pathogen to produce termoil within a country that collapses a government.  For this reason, the transparency of research is of the upmost importance.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

America At War Forever Paul Craig Roberts

America At War Forever

 America At War Forever 
Paul Craig Roberts
Film-maker Oliver Stone has won 12 Academy Awards for his films.  But this outstanding record doesn’t help when he seeks financing for a film critical of one of America’s wars.
“You do those kinds of stories, it’s not going to happen.”  Stone said that his dissent from the pro-war narrative has brought him “economic censorship.” 
Hollywood practices the same censorship as CNN, the New York Times, and the rest of the presstitutes who champion war. Stone notes that we never hear the point of view from the countries that are labeled “threats,” such as Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela.  
The Democrat and Republican political parties are also all for war. The Democrats won’t even let Tulsi Gabbard participate in the New Hampshire presidential Town Halls, because she is not a partisan of war.

Stone says that the fact that Democrat leaders such as Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are as pro-war as Dick Cheney and the Zionist neocons “shows you how locked up America is.”  As Putin said in the interviews Stone did with him, “It doesn’t make a difference who is President of the United States.”  Washington’s  policy is hegemony achieved through war.
Trump said that he wanted to get America out of war.  Trump said he would normalize relations with Russia and withdraw American forces from the countries that George W. Bush and Obama had invaded with US troops or with proxies called “freedom fighters.”  However, under pressure from “Russiagate” and “impeach-gate,” Trump has fruitlessly sought protection from the powerful Israel Lobby, all for naught.  The most active people in Trump’s impeachment are Jewish members of the Democrat majority in the house and most of the contrived and false witness testimony against Trump was from Jews.  
Nevertheless, Trump has put his presidency at the service of Israel.  Trump recently said that he withdrew from the solid multi-state agreement with Iran, which Iran kept by ceasing to enrich uranium that could be used for weapons, because Israel wanted him to.  Here is Trump in his own words kowtowing to Netanyahu at a joint press conference with indicted felon Benjamin Netanahu, Prime Minister of Israel, in Washington on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, a performance by an American President that must embarrass every American and make them feel deep shame:
“As everyone knows I have done a lot for Israel; moving the United States embassy to Jerusalem [al-Quds], recognizing the Golan Heights, and frankly perhaps most importantly, getting out of the terrible Iran nuclear deal,” said the US president to a roaring pro-Israel audience at the White House.
Trump’s movement of the US embassy to Jerusalem is contrary to the position held by the rest of the world and by Washington until Trump violated the UN position.  Trump does not own the Syrian Golan Heights, Israeli seized territory that cannot be annexed into Israel according to international law, and has no authority or legal power, other than might is right, to give Syrian territory to Israel.  But Trump did.  
Notice:  Trump provides reasons for impeaching him, but it would have required the Democrats to take a position against Israel, something they will never do.  And neither will the Republicans. Both parties are owned lock, stock and barrel by the Israel Lobby.
Therefore, America’s war in Israel’s behalf in the Middle East will continue.  Israel wants the water resources of southern Lebanon, and as Israel’s two failed attempts demonstrate Israel is unable to achieve this on its own.
Twice Israel sent the vaunted Israeli Army into southern Lebanon to occupy the region, and twice the vaunted Israeli Army was sent fleeing for its life by the Hezbollah militia.
Hezbollah is funded and supplied by Syria and Iran, and this is the reason that Netanyahu is using his puppet, the President of the United States Donald Trump, to continue to create conditions for Americans to die fighting for Israel against Syria and Iran.  
Trump would willfully comply with Netanyahu’s instructions, but Russia is in the way.
The question before us is whether Russia in order to gain acceptance from the West will sell out Syria and Iran in exchange for membership in the corrupt politics and social dysfunction of the Western World.  
Considering the Western interests of significant Russian movers and shakers —oligarchs—who were enriched by the US takeover of Russia during the Yeltsin years, it is not inconceivable that the Russian government would accept Greater Israel in the Middle East in exchange for membership in the Western World.
Russia is very susceptable to being corrupted by the West.  Life under communism, or tales thereof, have prejudiced much of Russian youth against Russia.  There is a belief that America is Nirvana where streets are paved with gold.  The success of American propaganda is world wide, and this is a huge weakness for Russia.  Today Washington-financed NGOs can bring thousands of Russian youth into the streets to protest Putin, which makes headlines in the US and supports Washington’s propaganda that Putin is a dictator who suppresses Russian democracy.  Why the Russian government permits this fifth column activity indicates a lack of confidence on the part of the Russian government. Washington seizes on the lack of Russian confidence and increases the pressure.
With Washington and its European vassals operating against Russia every minute of every day, week, month, year, the Russian government could fall again as it did in 1991.  Russia is far from home free. Russian sovereignty is still not guaranteed. 
Washington is the source of war.  Washington is the only country that invades, bombs, demonizes, and threatens other countries.  The threat of war resides only in Washington. 
Trump murdered a high-ranking government official of Iran, Soleimani, who was on a peace mission on a commercial flight to Iraq where he was invited.  This was both a crime and an act of war.  Russia suppressed the Iranian response, so now Washington is threatening to murder the successor of Soleimani.  
The world turns a blind eye.  Americans are indoctrined to see Iran, like Russia and China and North Korea and Venezuela, as an enemy.  So the more Iranians who are killed, the happier the indoctrinated Americans.
Europe and Japan, being Washington’s vassals, are useless in introducing any restraint and intelligence into deterring Washington’s drive for world hegemony in Israel’s service.  
The conclusion is that War Is Our Future.  The coronavirus, assuming it is not just another pandemic hype like bird flu, SARS, swine flue, etc., will kill far less people than nuclear weapons.
Indeed, Washington and its wars are a threat to the life of planet Earth. The world is trapped in Washington and Israel’s ambitions.  As Russia and China refuse to put their foot down and continue to stupidly open themselves to American interference and, perhaps, biological attack, war is our future. When the button is pushed, we will cease to exist.  And so will the animals, the birds, the plants and trees. 
Only ruin created by Washington will remain.

Friday, January 31, 2020

A Well Known Liberal Professor Who is Expert on Digital Matters Says Google and Social Media Can Easily Throw Elections to the Candidates Preferred by the Elite by Paul Craig Roberts

A Well Known Liberal Professor Who is Expert on Digital Matters Says Google and Social Media Can Easily Throw Elections to the Candidates Preferred by the Elite

A Well Known Liberal Professor Who is Expert on Digital Matters Says Google and Social Media Can Easily Throw Elections to the Candidates Preferred by the Elite
Paul Craig Roberts
Dr. Robert Epstein, a Hillary Clinton supporter who happens also to be an honest expert, told Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Tuesday that Google and social media can manipulate votes by using tools that they have at their disposal exclusively. In the absence of regulation, no one can counteract Google and social media or even know that they have reversed an election outcome. 
Epstein warned  Senator Cruz of big tech election meddling during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on “Google and Censorship through Search Engines” on Tuesday.
Dr. Epstein said that Google and social media were confident of Hillary’s win in the last election and did not use their power to throw the election her way.  It will be different in 2020, Dr. Epstein  predicted. 
Election meddling is home based, not in distant Russia.
Clearly, among its many victims, the Digital Revolution has murdered democratic voting.
The digital revolution has turned people into ciphets.  The American people have zero say in everything.
I wonder if the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and Europeans know that Americans have less voice than Russians had under Stalin.  If these countries are relying on democracy to restrain the US government, they are deluded.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Machines Have Us Trained for Obedience Paul Craig Roberts

The Machines Have Us Trained for Obedience

The Machines Have Us Trained for Obedience
Paul Craig Roberts
Many decades ago there was an issue of Mad comics that portrayed a future time when everything was done by robots and humans had no function.  One day the system failed. As it had been eons since humans had to do anything, no one knew how to fix the system.  It was Mad comics version of Armageddon.
I think that is where the digital revolution is taking us.  I remember when appliances and cars responded to humans, and now humans respond to them.  When I grew up cars and home appliances did not go “beep-beep” to remind you of the things you were supposed to do, such as turn off the car lights and take the keys out of the ignition, or turn off the oven and shut the fridge.
Cars, except for British sports cars, didn’t have seat belts.  Today a car doesn’t stop beeping until you fasten your seat belts.  I hear that soon the cars won’t start until the seat belts are fastened. 

When the electric company’s outsourced crew failed to connect the neutral line to my house and blew out all appliances, sprinkler system, and garage openers, the electric company replaced everything on a prorated depreciated basis that cost me thousands of dollars.  The worst part of it is that the new appliances boss me around.  
The old microwave would gently beep three times and stop.  The new one beeps in the most insistent way—open the door you dumb human right this second, immediately—and keeps on insisting until I obey.  The fridge refuses to let me leave it open for cleaning.  The oven insists that I open it immediately, despite my habit of cutting the on time short and leaving whatever it is to cook awhile longer in the hot oven.  
Here is an explanation of how our electric meters spy on us and pass on the information to interested parties. 
Self-driving cars seem to be our future, and robots are taking our jobs away even faster than global corporations offshored them to Asia.  
What exactly is it that humans are going to be good for?  Nothing it seems.
Why will we need a driving license when cars drive themselves?  If there is an accident, who is to blame?  The company that made the car?  The company responsible for the software?  What is the point of car insurance when drivers have no responsibility?
Perhaps it is true that aliens are living among us.  Their language is “beep-beep” and they are using our machines and cars to train us, like Pavlov’s dogs, to respond to their command.
I can remember when telephones were a convenience before they became a nuisance.  When my land line rings, 95% of the time it is a scam or a telemarketing call, usually robotic.  Now, a man will listen to a sexy female voice, for a time, and a woman will listen to a courtly gentleman’s voice, but until sex doll robots catch on, no one wants to listen to a machine’s voice.  So why the calls?  Why do the telephone companies permit their customers to be scammed and their privacy to be constantly invaded?  How do the phone companies benefit from permitting unethical people to destroy the value of phone service?
The same thing, I am told, happens to cell phone users.  Recently I finally had to acquire a smart phone, because two people I need to reach only respond to text messages.  They refuse to answer any phone, and email is so invaded by scammers, malware, and marketeers that they do not use email.  They do not even set up the message system on their cell phones. If you try to call them, you get instead of an answer the message that the person you are attempting to call has not set up their message box.  
So there you have it.  Except for texting, which can’t (yet) be done with a land line, telephones are a nuisance.
Growing up in Atlanta during the 1940s and into the early 1950s, you could not yourself place a call from your telephone.  When you picked up the receiver, an AT&T operator answered and asked: “number please.”  You gave her the number, and she rang it and connected you if there was an answer.  If you did not know the number, you asked her for information.  If you knew the complete name and perhaps the street address, you were provided with the telephone number.
In those halcyon days even in a city such as Atlanta, Georgia, there were party lines.  That meant that you shared a telephone line with a neighbor.  If you picked up the receiver to make a call through the operator and heard voices speaking, you knew the line was in use and decency required that you hang up immediately.  As the talking parties heard the click when you picked up the line, if they didn’t hear the click when you hung up they asked you to get off their call.
In that system, there was no anonymity. Anonymity appeared with dial phones, which allowed you to make your own calls.  From a public telephone, the call was not traceable to you.  This technology was the beginning of our downfall.  
Dial phones, something youths have seen only in antique shops or old movies are still with us in everyday language. We still say “dial the number” when we are punching buttons.
Today thanks to technological “progress,” it is much easier to invade privacy.
Technology is destroying us and the planet.  The pollution from technology is phenomenal. 5G itself may do us in. The destruction of privacy, identity, and freedom by the digital revolution is far beyond George Orwell’s imagination.  Insouciant humans delight in the gadgets that are turning themselves into unfree people who are under control but who themselves control nothing.
This outcome is easily seen in China where the government uses universal spying to construct for each person a social credit score.  If that person is a dissident, has bad habits, etc., that person gets a score too low to qualify for a loan, university admission, employment, etc., and becomes a non-being.  Here is Soren Korsgaard’s explanation of our future.