Showing posts with label Paul Stuart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Stuart. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Robe & Pajama Outtakes

Many years ago I was a police cadet directing traffic out of a city park after a July 4th fireworks demonstration. That night I dreamed I was sleeping in my bed on the side of the road by the park. Cars would come and I'd get out of bed, walk to the intersection in my pjs and direct traffic returning to bed only to be forced outta bed by another stream of cars.

This photo shoot was inspired by that dream. I wanted to include a small table with an vintage alarm clock but while the logistics proved daunting - Mark Rykken did not. It is no easy task to stand at 45th & Madison at 2PM dressed like you're going to bed. I owe Mark and Paul Stuart a huge thanks for their cooperation and their enthusiasm.

I am looking for a woman to model a smoking jacket. Long legs and assertiveness are required.

A Robe & Pajamas

Off white wool serge evening robe with navy piping - $547 French blue stripe pajama - $247, Red & blue paisley ascot - $128.50 Navy tipped cotton pocket square - $39.50 All by Paul Stuart. Navy monogrammed slippers by Edward Green - Models own.

Head of Paul Stuart's Custom Shop, Mark Rykken models Paul Stuart sleepwear at 45th and Madison Avenue...because I said so. The robe is Italian wool but is made on Paul Stuart's premises. It is a steal for what it is and where it's made. French blue & white awning stripe pajamas are 100% broadcloth and made in Canada, eh. A cotton tipped pocket square and paisley ascot round out the look with unneeded but refined flourish.

I know what you're going to say. Add the slippers and this is a considerable investment. However, if you're tired of seeing your husband roam your home in worn boxers and old college tee shirts -- this might be the solution you've been looking for.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Double Take Tie

Back in the days of expense account yore, it was not unusual to drop $300 to $400 on lunch with a single client. Beers before lunch, wine with lunch, after lunch port and cigars. This was relationship building and I sure as hell wasn't going to endure three hours of a CFO's gushing about his favorite ride at Six Flags on my dime. Especially when my employer had an iron clad non-compete.

I have seen clients expense golf clubs, fur coats and prostitutes. That's not so much about building relationships as it's using your position to grab something for yourself. The client who bought a fur coat also bought this tie for me. Or, was it a pair of box cloth braces? I'm not too sure. It was after a very long lunch that we stumbled into Paul Stuart. The client wasn't so much generous as he was buying my silence when he whipped out company plastic to pay for a fur lined Loden coat.

That was 17 years ago and this tie remains a favorite despite its unethical origins. Everybody thinks it's a baseball tie until they take a closer look. Hugely popular with Brits and Bermudians, it never fails to secure a surprised double take. I guess they wonder why a Septic (Septic Tank- Yank) would wear a Cricket tie? They should ask the guy who expensed it.