Showing posts with label The Trad Roast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Trad Roast. Show all posts

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mr Mort's Secret

(click on image to enlarge secret)

It was just like a scene out of Antonioni's Blow Up.

I was developing prints in the dark room when I blew up this shot of Mr Mort on the ol' Beseler. Look at Mordechai's left hand. See it? In his left palm is a crumpled Dunkin Donut's bag.

This seemingly innocent paper bag provides a stable brace reducing camera shake resulting in those ultra razor-sharp pictures Mr Mort is famous for. It also smells like a Cruller giving the hip blogger that transcendental state he's also famous for.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Statue For Boston Thrifter Unveiled In NYC

Rains in New York City didn't damper the spirits of the crowds who came out for the unveiling of the Giuseppe statue in Central Park yesterday afternoon.

The only statue to honor a thrifter (from Boston no less) shows Giuseppe in a frock coat and a pair of cavalry twills he found for $6.84. The smaller statuary represent the Salvation Army (left) and any Episcopal Church with a thrift shop in the basement (right). In the crook of the left arm is the thrifter's Holy Grail, a used Henry Poole Covert Coat from Savile Row circa 1967.

Following the afternoon's unveiling I was able to chat with the great man himself over an adult malt beverage at a stylish midtown brasserie. Looking dapper in a free shirt and and .99 cent tie -- Giuseppe was clearly humbled by New York's recognition.

"To tell you the truth, I hate New York and all the jerks in it but they sure know how to make a guy feel at home. I mean, what are the chances of me ever getting a statue in Boston?"

Well said, Giuseppe. You would need a great coat, a pair of breeches and a tri corn hat. Not to mention a musket. Prae Omnia Fraternitas