Friday, January 31, 2020

Two Thirds of Women felt fairly Treated Compared to Men in 1970

      Two thirds of women when asked in 1970, said they were treated as equally as men despite the myth perpetuated by mainstream feminism about women being hopelessly oppressed in the United Stated back then. It makes sense if you recall that the men were drafted into the Vietnam war at that time overseas getting their legs blown off.

Adolf "Handsome" Hitler was a Hit with Women

    Handsome Adolf Hitler is adored by women shown by The Pittsburgh Press Feb 6, 1933.

This is just to show that historically, it wasn't just men who supported the rise of the Third Reich, but women lusting after powerful Nazis as well.
The Milwaukee Journal March 31, 1937 shows women fawning over handsome Adolf Hitler as a sex symbol:

"Handsome Hitler Rates High as Ladies Man", The Milwaukee Journal - Dec 7, 1934


The Pittsburgh Press in 1930 talking about how women were Hitler's most loyal supporters even when everyone else deserted him early on.

"The Women Made Him" The Pittsburgh Press - Oct 5, 1930

But they tell us in school that he just came out of nowhere as this evil unforeseen menace that the heroic Allies had to defeat. I'm not debating that he was evil, but the idea that only men supported this psychopath is absurd.

Canadian Feminist Pioneer Emily Murphy Hailed as a "Hero" Wanted Mentally Disabled Women Sterilized

       Canadian Feminist pioneer Emily Murphy is hailed as a "hero for today" on the University of Alberta's website despite them including her call for the forced sterilization of handicapped women. 

How can you be touted as a hero for the rights of all women and yet help bring about the Government forcibly sterilizing women you label unfit? It's a similar pattern with many of the celebrated first wave feminist pioneers prior to the 1950s:

"One of the painful experiences of the magisterial life is to take from an insane and violent woman the little baby to which she has given birth during her parole; knowing that someday the child, in turn, is likely to be a patient, owing to the fact that its future was mortgaged before it was born. 
Awhile ago, in one of our institutions for the care of the aged, it was found that sixteen of the women were feeble-minded and that these had produced 116 mentally deficient children. 
Enquiring into this same matter of descent, it was found in Alberta that out of 3200 persons who had been treated for insanity, nearly 4000 children had been born. It is estimated that one out of every five of these children—that is to say 800 of them—will come ultimately as patients to a mental hospital.... It is quite true that there are tragedies that go on and on. This is one of them. 
Perhaps, after all, there is not so much credit in being a mother as being fitted to be one"

Rockefeller and Ford Foundation Fund Feminist Women's International Meeting of "Radicals" 1975

Here's more evidence of how entrenched and in cahoots feminism is with the powers that be, that according to gender studies professors in universities right now will tell you were hellbent on oppressing women with white male patriarchal and capitalist hegemony:

They had such multi-nationalists backing them up but a NOW representative has the audacity to say that the group had no power. That's to show you how far back feminists were damseling and claiming no large influence in society, despite their influence.


Rockefeller Foundation Helped Fund Feminist Press 1972

           In 1972, The Feminist Press received funds from the "patriarchal" Rockefellers in order to indoctrinate school teachers to brainwash children with feminism:



        So, this yet ample proof of yet another collusion of feminism and the so-called patriarchal power structures. Do you smell the stench of corpses and skeletons inside feminists' closet yet? Of how misandric the entire system, and not just "feminists" is?

14 Photo From Israeli Girl Soldier Which Is Active And Famous In Instagram

The Israel Defense Forces About this soundTsva ha-Hagana le-Yisra'el, lit. "The Army of Defense for Israel"; Arab commonly known in Israel by the Hebrew acronym Tzahal are the military forces of the State of Israel. They consist of the ground forces, air force, and navy. It is the sole military wing of the Israeli security forces, and has no civilian jurisdiction within Israel. Wikipedia



"Enough About Me"

I have a number of interviews I'll be posting in the next few weeks and most of them went like this.

Coronavirus: What Is the Real Story?

Coronavirus:  What Is the Real Story?  

Coronavirus:  What Is the Real Story?

Bill Gates Is Determined to Kill Us All 

Big Pharma Is a Criminal Industry

Big Pharma Is a Criminal Industry 
Big Pharma Is a Criminal Industry 

1970's Virginia Slims Ads Claim Women are Superior to Men

          "Feminist" Virginia Slims Advertisement from the 1970s telling women "You've come a long way baby, to get where you got to today".  In Stanford Research into the Impact of Tobacco Advertising, we can read how women's liberation type ads helped get women hooked on cigarettes as a way to oppose the patriarchy and show women as men's superiors and adversaries:

One of the most common techniques tobacco companies employ in order to target women is women's liberation. Specifically, these advertisements show a woman in a position of power over a man, while being careful to keep the power-play light, carefree, and a bit flirtatious. The ads are prudent, hoping not to offend anyone while appearing to 'take sides,' so to speak, with women. Often, these ads distract from the position of power Big Tobacco itself holds over both sexes, by pitting women against men instead of against Big Tobacco. "

Quote Shakespeare and Lose Your Job

Quote Shakespeare and Lose Your Job

Quote Shakespeare and Lose Your Job

A Well Known Liberal Professor Who is Expert on Digital Matters Says Google and Social Media Can Easily Throw Elections to the Candidates Preferred by the Elite by Paul Craig Roberts

A Well Known Liberal Professor Who is Expert on Digital Matters Says Google and Social Media Can Easily Throw Elections to the Candidates Preferred by the Elite

A Well Known Liberal Professor Who is Expert on Digital Matters Says Google and Social Media Can Easily Throw Elections to the Candidates Preferred by the Elite
Paul Craig Roberts
Dr. Robert Epstein, a Hillary Clinton supporter who happens also to be an honest expert, told Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Tuesday that Google and social media can manipulate votes by using tools that they have at their disposal exclusively. In the absence of regulation, no one can counteract Google and social media or even know that they have reversed an election outcome. 
Epstein warned  Senator Cruz of big tech election meddling during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on “Google and Censorship through Search Engines” on Tuesday.
Dr. Epstein said that Google and social media were confident of Hillary’s win in the last election and did not use their power to throw the election her way.  It will be different in 2020, Dr. Epstein  predicted. 
Election meddling is home based, not in distant Russia.
Clearly, among its many victims, the Digital Revolution has murdered democratic voting.
The digital revolution has turned people into ciphets.  The American people have zero say in everything.
I wonder if the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and Europeans know that Americans have less voice than Russians had under Stalin.  If these countries are relying on democracy to restrain the US government, they are deluded.

Mid-rise jeans


                                                                                                sneakers: adidas
                                                                                                jeans: zara
                                                                                                sweater: c&a
                                                                                                coat: zara
                                                                                                scarf: acne studios
                                                                                                bag: gucci
                                                                                                sunglasses: ray ban
                                                                                                ph. Masa

Cropped skinny jeans, comfy sneakers and oversized coat. No more, no less!

23 Different Photos From Emily Ratajkowski American model And Actress With Her Boyfriends

