Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Radical Feminist Angela Davis' ties to Communism, the CIA and Anti Black Male Bigotry

        Angela Davis, the famous Black Panther activist and professor of feminist studies, had deep ties within the so-called patriarchy of her time, and was mentored by a OSS/CIA agent who worked for the US propaganda dept named Herbert Marcuse. Here's an article from The University of Virginia describing her as a radical feminist scholar and vice president candidate for the Communist Party in the US:
"Radical feminist, activist, author, and scholar, Angela Davis first became known nationally and internationally as a fugitive after being charged as a conspirator in the failed attempt to free George Jackson, who was one of the Soledad Brothers, from prison in 1970. She was imprisoned for sixteen months. 
Although Davis was later fully acquitted, she was the third woman to appear on the FBI’s Most Wanted List. Davis became a symbol of racial injustice for the Black Power and Black Panther movement. After her arrest and imprisonment in 1970, her case became an international cause, inspiring the “Free Angela” movement. Following her release from prison, Davis moved to Cuba in support of fellow radicals. Davis has run for U.S. Vice President on the Communist Party ticket twice."
And here's a transcript from the video interview that can be accessed in the full transcript of the article:
BOND: "Were there particular people — teachers, particularly — who had an influence on you who shaped you in some way or the other?"

DAVIS: "Well, I suppose during my career as a student, the teacher who most influenced me was Herbert Marcuse."

Here is her page from University of California showing how influential she is to feminism:

Together with Kimberlé Crenshaw and others, she formed the African American Agenda 2000, an alliance of Black feminists that opposed the Million Men March which they claimed would revive "black male sexism":

Here's Herbert Marcuse's bio in the CIA page describing him as an OSS asset as well and his communist work for the CIA :
 "Franz Neumann, Herbert Marcuse, and Otto Kirchheimer were leading members of the Central European Section (CES). They were also Marxists—or communists, as some would later have it—and advocates of the Frankfurt School of thought formulated during their prewar association with the Institute of Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany. Each had written widely on the evils of Nazi Germany, and in the OSS they applied their knowledge to explaining that political movement and later to discussing social alternatives in the postwar era. Secret Reports On Nazi Germany contains 31 of the studies they produced during and after the war."

And here he describes his employment under the U.S Propaganda Department:
"MARCUSE: 'At first I was in the political division of the OSS and then in the Division of Research and Intelligence of the State Department. My main task was to identify groups in Germany with which one could work toward reconstruction after the war, and to identify groups which were to be taken to task as Nazis. There was a major de-Nazification program at the time. Based on exact research, reports, newspaper reading, and whatever, lists were made up of those Nazis who were supposed to assume responsibility for their activity. . .'

And the same article previously describes him as the author of The New Left:
"Herbert Marcuse’s Reason and Revolution (1941) brought the critical social theory of the twentieth century Frankfurt School to the USA, and with it, the spark that would become the New Left and student movements here during the 1960s and 1970s"

     Yet another feminist, like Gloria Steinem, that had deep involvement with the so-called branches of patriarchal control like the CIA. Steinem herself having ties with the CIA and the Ford Foundation. Seems to me that the establishment has a very feminist and anti-male bias.

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