Thursday, January 30, 2020

Brazilian Women File for Most Divorces

        Women in Brazil initiate over 70% of divorces but the feminist movement will tell you that Latin American countries are shitholes if you're woman though:

"According to information from IBGE published by the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo , the 102 503 judicial separations in 2005, about 17,000 were ordered for women and 6000 for men only. This is due to the fact that, in general, they lose less than men. They stay with the house, the children receive a pension and are usually treated as victims."

But they are still the victims? Let's keep going:

"Women are calling for more separation than men. Civil registration data disclosed on Wednesday (25), IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) showed in 2008 that 71.7% of non-consensual separations - ie one wants, but not the other - were requested by women." 
A greater percentage of women was observed by the institute in all Brazilian states, less in Paraíba, where 41.4% of non-consensual separations were ordered by men."
In cases of applications for divorce, the hegemony in the custody of minor children was women. In 2008, 88.7% of divorces granted in Brazil had custody for children granted to women.
The IBGE also noted that there was a decrease in the percentage of consensual separations in 2008 compared to 1998, reaching a difference of 4.9 percentage points. This reduction, according to the institute, was due to the increasingly common option for divorce or judicial direct their achievement in conveyancing, which avoids a step judicial and bureaucratic."

So women are the majority of people being awarded non-consensual divorces, but we men are the ones who are not mature for marriages though.

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