Wednesday, November 30, 2016

President Putin To Grant PCR Russian Passport

President Putin To Grant PCR Russian Passport

President Putin To Grant PCR Russian Passport
Putin is keeping my ridicule of the Washington Post alive, but apparently the Kremlim is prepared to issue me a passport. As the current vice chairman of the Federal Reserve is an Israeli citizen and the former chairman of the Israeli central bank, I suppose I can have a second passport. Will have to look into this.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts 
was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order

The Government’s Plan To Steal Your Money

The Government’s Plan To Steal Your Money

The Government’s Plan To Steal Your Money

The Deep State’s Attempt To Suppress India’s Gold Demand
November 29, 2016Financial Markets, Gold, Market Manipulation, Precious MetalsDeep State, Modi, war on cash

The primary objective of the Indian currency demonetization was to sharply reduce gold demand in the world’s most important retail market, India, one that is controlled by the Deep State oligarchy via a captured agent, its Prime Minister [Modi]. The manner in which the demonetization was carried out indicates some kind of desperation…Stewart Daugherty

Indian Demonetization Denotes Severe Stress in the Global Gold Market
By Stewart Dougherty

It is becoming clear that the Indian currency demonetization is actually a planned attack on Indian gold demand, launched to disrupt gold prices and discredit gold as an asset class. The attack was required to alleviate severe stress in the global gold market that is becoming increasingly difficult for the Deep State controllers to contain.

For two decades, physical gold has been migrating from the west to the east in increasing quantities. Numerous reports cross-confirm that the world’s leading refineries are operating at capacity to convert western gold into the kilo products demanded by Asian buyers. Refiners also confirm that the sourcing of western gold has become problematic, as supplies dry up in the face of voracious world, and particularly eastern demand.

Western central bankers and their Deep State handlers have made it clear that they intend to transition to a cashless society. However, they are not yet ready to make this transition. Therefore, their current focus is to start the process by eliminating high-denomination currency, such as Euro 500 and USD 50 and 100 notes. At the same time, they are working to digitize the payment infrastructure, a prerequisite to the elimination of cash.

Their problem is the steady awakening of the people to the disturbing implications of a cashless society, and to the assault on human liberty it represents. The Deep State oligarchs must implement their agenda before the people mobilize to prevent it from being imposed upon them.

The Deep State oligarchs understand that the western governments they commandeer are bankrupt. To continue operations, they must tap into the people’s private wealth for funding. In fact, the IMF has produced a position paper recommending a “one off capital levy of 10%” (a 10% wealth tax), to deal with western governments’ intractable fiscal problems. The authors of this paper state that the “levy” must be imposed at night and by total surprise, to prevent citizens from being able to take any steps to avoid it.

This type of ambush is exactly what just happened in India, with its shock demonetization.

The IMF’s proposal does nothing to change governments’ current trajectory of greater deficits and debt; the money raised would simply be used to service existing debt. This means the first capital levy will just be one of many going forward. Governments’ only solution is to expropriate the private wealth of the people, which is exactly what the IMF has admitted.

If people have cash and other private monetary assets outside of the banking system when the “capital levy” is imposed, governments will lose out. This is one of their primary motivations to eliminate cash: in order to maximize proceeds from the capital levy, they need the greatest possible amount of money within the banking system, in non-withdrawable, digitized form, when the levy is executed.

It is not in the interests of governments if people figure out that they are far better off being their own bankers, by privatizing their monetary assets, than handing them over to commercial bankers, who have become wards and enforcement agents of the state. Therefore, a full scale campaign is underway to demonize cash and to make precious metals appear dangerous by routinely pulverizing their prices.

In the meantime, supplies of physical metals in the west constantly diminished and are now strained. This means that the bullion banks’ LBMA and Comex paper price suppression activities must steadily escalate for them to maintain control of a market that is spinning out of their control. Unlike eastern investors, western investors tend to buy into rising prices, as they chase momentum. Rising prices can lead to a buying stampede. If a buying stampede were to break out in today’s supply-stressed precious metals market, prices would surge, which would be antithetical to the Deep State oligarchs’ agenda.

Given that Deep State operatives can do nothing to increase western gold supply, their only options are to somehow discover supply elsewhere, and/or to crush gold demand.

The “somehow” is India, a nation whose people possess an estimated 20,000 tons of gold, and who buy hundreds more tons of it each year. Prime Minister Modi, the Deep State establishment’s captured and controlled facilitator, has been instructed to obtain supply and control demand of gold in India, and he has been working overtime to achieve both objectives ever since his election.

First, Modi launched a Paper Gold scheme, whereby the Indian people were urged to tender their personal gold holdings to the state, in exchange for “notes” and “bonds” paying less-than-inflation interest rates on the value of the gold they provided. The notes are irredeemable for gold for at least five years, by which time the gold will be long gone from India and used in the bullion banks’ market rigging and other for-profit operations. Modi’s Paper Gold scheme failed, because the Indian people did not trust it, and correctly so.

Next, Modi imposed a 10% import duty on gold (India produces next to no gold, so virtually all of it is imported). This resulted in a multi-week strike by jewelers, which did reduce demand, one of the two aims of the Deep State oligarchs’ plan.

But shortly, this scheme failed, too, because gold smuggling surged, enabling the Indian people to obtain the gold they desire at prices roughly 5% over global spot, reasonable in the circumstances.

In a companion effort to crimp demand, Modi enacted a special reporting regulation. Enacted in 2015, it requires anyone purchasing jewelry or precious metals having a value of 200,000 rupees or more (the equivalent of roughly US$ 2,900) to present an Indian PAN Card. PAN stands for Permanent Account Number, a ten digit alpha-numeric number issued by India’s Tax Department to individuals and businesses. The PAN enables tax personnel to track all of a card holder’s financial transactions over their entire lifetime.

Only 17% of India’s population have obtained a PAN number to date, meaning that 83% of the population are unable to purchase $2,900 or more worth of jewelry or bullion in a single transaction; without a PAN Card, it is illegal to do so. This regulation has reduced jewelry and bullion purchases by upscale Indians who do have PAN but do not want their personal transactions permanently recorded. Alternatively, it has led them to make smaller purchases that do not require presentation of a PAN Card.

While the PAN regulation curbed demand in the $3,000+, high end of the market, it did nothing to address the vibrant, lower end, cash market. Smaller purchases of jewelry and bullion have traditionally been paid in cash, using 500 and 1,000 rupee currency notes. This was the Deep State’s Achilles’ heel in India, and they decided to deal with it.

Accordingly, on November 8, 2016, in a shock move, Modi “extinguished” all Indian 500 and 1000 rupee notes. Holders of the old notes have been required to exchange them for new ones, but the process has been extremely difficult and time consuming. Further, there are sharp restrictions on the amount of new currency citizens can obtain. Withdrawals are capped at 40,000 rupees per week, roughly $575.00. After paying for living expenses (90% of Indian purchases are made with cash), very little is left over for discretionary purchases such as gold jewelry. Given that the demonetization was specifically timed to occur in the middle of the robust festival and wedding season, the reduction in demand has been pronounced. Jewelers in Mumbai, the nation’s largest retail market by far, report sales being off by up to 90%.

We believe that the primary objective of the Indian currency demonetization was to sharply reduce gold demand in the world’s most important retail market, India, one that is controlled by the Deep State oligarchy via a captured agent, its Prime Minister. The manner in which the demonetization was carried out indicates some kind of desperation, because it defied all economic prudence, logic, humanitarian regard and common sense. India is the only country where this kind of attack on demand could have been carried out, and this is why it occurred there. It indicates to us that the bullion banking cabal is coming up against the wall, and that there is severe supply – demand stress in the global gold market that is rapidly becoming non-containable. Desperate times are producing desperate measures by the manipulators.

It is critical to note that the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India up until mid-2016, Raghuram Rajan, declined a second three year term. Rajan was a former Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund, the “capital levy” people. He is also a member of the Group of Thirty, along with Larry Summers, the head cheerleader for the elimination of one hundred dollar bills in the United States, and cash in general. Much more important, Rajan has now become Vice Chairman of the Bank for International Settlements, the so-called “central bank of central banks,” and long regarded as the chief architect and enabler of global gold manipulation and price oppression. He has been characterized in the press as being “a vocal votary for increased coordination among central banks.” Clearly, an important Deep State global agenda is now in play.

Brexit and the Trump victory have demonstrated that the people can only be pushed so far, but the Deep State oligarchs are far too addicted to easy money and god-like power to hear the message. They are pushing forward as if nothing whatsoever has changed in the world. The retention by the people of financial liberty is far more important to them than Brexit or Trump, and we believe they will defend their rights to it, particularly as they awaken to the full implications of the tyranny that will be unleashed by its elimination.

As demand rebuilds from the shock demand reduction that has occurred in India, we believe the market for precious metals will become stronger than ever. First, India has discredited governments’ prized monopoly product: fiat currency. Second, India’s demonetization-related gold demand shock has no effect whatsoever on demand from Russia, China and the rest of Asia, which is stronger than ever. Third, the fiscal and monetary realities of governments throughout the west continue to worsen, strengthening the already compelling case for precious metals. Fourth, and as we have pointed out in previous articles, supply cannot withstand even a fractional redeployment of liquid personal assets into metals, without prices being forced significantly higher than where they are today. And fifth, the bullion banks and Deep State schemers are running out of curve balls to throw at the people. In fact, the stunt they just pulled in India might be their last, at least of anywhere near this magnitude. While we put nothing past them, including desperate dumping of remaining western central bank metals holdings (which might not even exist at this late stage) and prohibitions that the people will realize they must ignore if they are to have any chance of remaining financially free, it seems clear to us that they are fast running out of options.

Stewart Dougherty
November 28, 2016

P.S. One additional inference we draw from events in India is that it almost certainly proves the United States gold reserve is gone. What has happened in India indicates that a critical supply – demand imbalance exists in gold, which required an unprecedented, draconian and reckless “solution.” Actually, it has solved nothing; it has only bought the oligarchs some time, and probably not much of it. If western, and particularly U.S. gold reserves had been available, they almost certainly would have been deployed before a massive, destructive currency demonetization in the world’s second largest nation, by population, would have been ordered.

Stewart Dougherty is the creator of Inferential Analytics (IA), a forecasting method that applies to events proprietary, time-tested principles of human instinct, desire and action. In his view, forecasting methods not fundamentally based upon principles of human action are unlikely to be reliable over time. He is a graduate of Tufts University (BA) and Harvard Business School (MBA), is a 35+ year veteran of the business trenches and has developed IA over a period of 15+ years.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order

The Tyranny In Our Future

The Tyranny In Our Future
The Tyranny In Our Future
Guest column by John Whitehead
The Tyranny at Standing Rock: The Government’s Divide-and-Conquer Strategy Is Working

By John W. Whitehead
November 28, 2016

“We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”— Benjamin Franklin, as quoted in The Works of Benjamin Franklin
Divide and conquer.
It’s one of the oldest military strategies in the books, and it’s proven to be the police state’s most effective weapon for maintaining the status quo.
How do you conquer a nation?
Distract them with football games, political circuses and Black Friday sales. Keep them focused on their differences—economic, religious, environmental, political, racial—so they can never agree on anything. And then, when they’re so divided that they are incapable of joining forces against a common threat, start picking them off one by one.
What we’re witnessing at Standing Rock, where activists have gathered to protest the Dakota Access Pipelineconstruction on Native American land, is just the latest incarnation of the government’s battle plan for stamping out any sparks of resistance and keeping the populace under control: battlefield tactics, military weaponry and a complete suspension of the Constitution.
Militarized police. Riot and camouflage gear. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Drones. Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force. Rubber bullets. Water cannons. Concussion grenades. Arrests of journalists. Intimidation tactics. Brute force.
This is what martial law looks like, when a government disregards constitutional freedoms and imposes its will through military force.
Only this is martial law without any government body having to declare it.
This is martial law packaged as law and order and sold to the public as necessary for keeping the peace.
These overreaching, heavy-handed lessons in how to rule by force have become standard operating procedure for a government that communicates with its citizenry primarily through the language of brutality, intimidation and fear.
What Americans have failed to comprehend is that the police state doesn’t differentiate.
In the eyes of the government—whether that government is helmed by Barack Obama or Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton—there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats, between blacks and whites and every shade in the middle, between Native Americans and a nation of immigrants (no matter how long we’ve been here), between the lower class and the middle and upper classes, between religious and non-religious Americans, between those who march in lockstep with the police state and those who oppose its tactics.
This is all part and parcel of the government’s plan for dealing with widespread domestic unrest, no matter the source.
2008 Army War College report revealed that “widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security.” The 44-page report goes on to warn that potential causes for such civil unrest could include another terrorist attack, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters.”
Subsequent reports by the Department of Homeland Security call on the government to identify, monitor and label right-wing and left-wing activists, military veterans and sovereign citizens as extremists (the words extremist and terrorist are used interchangeably in the reports).
These reports indicate that for the government, anyone seen as opposing the government—whether they’re Left, Right or somewhere in between—is labeled an extremist.
Divide and conquer.
What the government has figured out is that as long as its oppression is focused on one particular group at a time—inner city blacksgun-toting ranchers, environmental activists, etc.—there will be no outcry from the public at large.
The liberal left will not speak up for the conservative right.
The rightwing will not speak up for the leftwing.
The economic elite will not speak up for the economically disadvantaged and vice versa.
The ranchers will not speak up for the environmentalists, and the environmentalists will not speak up for the ranchers.
The Democrats will not criticize endless wars, drone killings, militarized police, private prisons, etc., when sanctioned by their candidate. Same goes for the Republicans.
Are you starting to get the picture?
What we’re dealing with is a full-blown case of national hypocrisy.
For too long now, the American people have allowed their personal prejudices and politics to cloud their judgment and render them incapable of seeing that the treatment being doled out by the government’s lethal enforcers has remained consistent, no matter the threat.
The government’s oppressive tactics have not changed.
The same martial law maneuvers and intimidation tactics used to put down protests and muzzle journalists two years ago in Ferguson and Baltimore are being used to flat-line protesters and journalists at Standing Rock this year.
The same infiltration and surveillance of ranch activists opposing the Bureau of Land Management in Oregon and Nevada over the past several years were used against nonviolent anti-war protesters more than a decade ago. That same mindset was embodied in the use of surveillance against those who gathered for Barack Obama’s inauguration eight years ago.
The same brutality that was in full force 20-plus years ago when the government raided the Branch Davidian religious compound near Waco, Texas—targeting residents with loud music, bright lights, bulldozers, flash-bang grenades, tear gas, tanks and gunfire, and leaving 80 individuals, including two dozen children, dead—were on full display more than 50 years ago when government agents unleashed fire hoses and police dogs on civil rights protesters, children included.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
The sticking point is not whether Americans must see eye-to-eye on these varied issues but whether they can agree that no one should be treated in such a fashion by their own government.
Our greatest defense against home-grown tyranny has always been our strength in numbers as a citizenry.
America’s founders hinted at it again and again. The Declaration of Independence refers to “one people.” The preamble to the Constitution opens with those three powerful words: “We the People.” Years later, the Gettysburg Address declared that we are a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.”
Despite these stark reminders that the government exists for our benefit and was intended to serve our needs, “We the People” have yet to marshal our greatest weapon against oppression: our strength lies in our numbers.
Had 318 million Americans taken to the streets to protest the government’s SWAT team raids that left innocent children like Aiyana Jones or Baby Bou Bou dead or scarred, there would be no 80,000 SWAT team raids a year.
Had 318 million Americans raised their voices against police shootings of unarmed citizens such as Alton Sterling and Walter Scott, there would be far less use of excessive force by the police.
Had 318 million Americans stood shoulder-to-shoulder and rejected the ruling oligarchy, pork barrel legislation, profit-driven prisons, endless wars and asset forfeiture schemes, government corruption would be the exception rather than the rule.
Had 318 million Americans told the government to stop drilling through sacred Native American lands, stop spraying protesters with water cannons in below-freezing temperatures, stop using its military might to intimidate and shut down First Amendment activity, and to stop allowing Corporate America to dictate how the battle lines are drawn, there would be no Standing Rock.
Unfortunately, 318 million Americans have yet to agree on anything, especially the source of their oppression.
This is how tyrants come to power and stay in power.
Authoritarian regimes begin with incremental steps. Overcriminalization, surveillance of innocent citizens, imprisonment for nonviolent—victimless—crimes, etc. Slowly, bit by bit, the citizenry finds its freedoms being curtailed and undermined for the sake of national security.
No one speaks up for those being targeted. No one resists these minor acts of oppression. No one recognizes the indoctrination into tyranny for what it is.
As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American Peoplehistorically this failure to speak truth to power has resulted in whole populations being conditioned to tolerate unspoken cruelty toward their fellow human beings, a bystander syndrome in which people remain silent and disengaged—mere onlookers—in the face of abject horrors and injustice.
Time has insulated us from the violence perpetrated by past regimes in their pursuit of power: the crucifixion and slaughter of innocents by the Romans, the torture of the Inquisition, the atrocities of the Nazis, the butchery of the Fascists, the bloodshed by the Communists, and the cold-blooded war machines run by the military industrial complex.
We can disassociate from such violence. We can convince ourselves that we are somehow different from the victims of government abuse. We can treat news coverage of protests such as Standing Rock and the like as just another channel to flip in our search for better entertainment. We can continue to spout empty campaign rhetoric about how great America is, despite the evidence to the contrary. We can avoid responsibility for holding the government accountable. We can zip our lips and bind our hands and shut our eyes.
In other words, we can continue to exist in a state of denial.
Whatever we do or don’t do, it won’t change the facts: the police state is here.
“There comes a time,” concluded Martin Luther King Jr., “when silence is betrayal.”
The people of Nazi Germany learned this lesson the hard way.
A German pastor who openly opposed Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in a concentration camp, Martin Niemoller warned:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
The people of the American Police State will never have any hope of fighting government tyranny if we’re busy fighting each other.
When all is said and done, the only thing we really need to agree on is that we are all Americans.
So if this isn’t your fight—if you believe that authority is more important than liberty—if you don’t agree with a particular group’s position on an issue and by your silence tacitly support the treatment meted out to them—if you think you’re a better citizen or a more patriotic American—if you want to play it safe—and if don’t want to risk getting shot, tased, pepper-sprayed, struck with a baton, thrown to the ground, arrested and/or labeled an extremist—then by all means, remain silent. Stand down. Cower in the face of the police. Turn your eyes away from injustice. Find any excuse to suggest that the so-called victims of the police state deserved what they got.
But remember, when that rifle (or taser, or water cannon, or bully stick) finally gets pointed in your direction—and it will—when there’s no one left to stand up for you or speak up for you, remember that you were warned.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order

The Washington Post Has Always Been A Purveyor Of Fake News

The Washington Post Has Always Been A Purveyor Of Fake News

The Washington Post Has Always Been A Purveyor Of Fake News

The Major Purveyor of ‘Fake News’ is the CIA-Corporate Complex
The Major Purveyor of ‘Fake News’ is the CIA-Corporate Complex
The US corporate media, its strings pulled by the modern version of the Central Intelligence Agency’s old Operation MOCKINGBIRD media influencing operation, is laughably accusing Russia of generating «fake news» to influence the outcome of the American presidential election. In a November 24, 2016, article in the CIA-connected Washington Post, reporter Craig Timberg reported: «Russia’s increasingly sophisticated propaganda machinery — including thousands of botnets, teams of paid human ‘trolls,’ and networks of websites and social-media accounts — echoed and amplified right-wing sites across the Internet as they portrayed Clinton as a criminal hiding potentially fatal health problems and preparing to hand control of the nation to a shadowy cabal of global financiers». The Post’s article is worthy of the CIA-generated propaganda spun by the paper at the height of the Cold War-era MOCKINGBIRD.
Contrary to what the Post reported about right-wing accounts of Hillary Clinton’s ties to «a shadowy cabal of global financiers, the vanquished Democratic presidential nominee and her husband, via the slush fund known as the Clinton Foundation, was closely linked to a variety of «shadowy global financiers», including those who serve as executives of Goldman Sachs and J P Morgan Chase. The Clinton cabal was more at home in the gatherings of the secretive syndicates of the Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Club, and the Council on Foreign Relations than they were at labor union and student meetings.
The Post was clearly fed its poorly-sourced and anecdotal-based article on Russian «fake news» by the usual suspects of Russia-bashers and CIA mouthpieces, including The Daily Beast; former US ambassador to Moscow Michael McFaul; Rand Corporation; George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs; the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia; and a website called «» or «Is It Propaganda Or Not?», which is linked not only to George Soros-funded anti-Russia websites but also to conveyors of CIA disinformation like The Post article is nothing more than an advertisement for, which bills itself as a «Propaganda Identification Service, since 2016».
The media influencing operation targeting Russia appears to be an outgrowth of the US State Department’s Counter-Information Team of the Bureau of International Information Programs. The team, established under the George W. Bush administration, was a resurrection of the Cold War-era US Information Agency’s (USIA) Bureau of Information, which was designed to counter «Soviet» disinformation. The truth of the matter was that many of the news reports from TASS, Radio Moscow, and Novosti, branded as «Soviet disinformation» by USIA, were, in fact, truthful reports on CIA covert operations, including political assassinations, biological warfare, and weapons and narcotics smuggling. Today, the media mouthpieces for the CIA and Soros replace Soviet-era media outlets as their main targets for derision with RT television and Sputnik News.
In 2013, Amazon signed a $600 million contract with the CIA to provide cloud computing services to the agency. Amazon’s owner, Jeff Bezos, also happens to own The Washington Post. Considering the long close relationship between the newspaper and the CIA, the Post is the last media outlet that should be writing about fake news. In 1981, the Post published a fake news story about a 7-year old heroin addict named «Jimmy». Not only was the story fake, but the Post’s assistant managing editor, Bob Woodward of Watergate infamy, submitted the fake Jimmy story to the Pulitzer Prize award committee. The Post reporter who wrote the piece, Janet Cooke, did receive a Pulitzer but had to return it after the story was deemed to be fake. Cooke was fired by the paper but Woodward, a longtime US intelligence mouthpiece, kept his job. So much for The Washington Post and fake news.
In its piece on «fake news», the Post linked to a «blacklist» of alleged «fake news sites» maintained by the mysterious A November 25, 2016, article in Fortune magazine by Mathew Ingram rightfully criticized the Post’s reliance on for its story. Ingram wrote: «PropOrNot’s Twitter account, which tweets and retweets anti-Russian sentiments from a variety of sources, has only existed since August of this year. And an article announcing the launch of the group on its website is dated last month».
It is very likely that is a creation of The Washington Post’s cloud computing business partner, the CIA. calls itself a group of «concerned American citizens with a wide range of backgrounds and expertise, including professional experience in computer science, statistics, public policy, and national security affairs». There are more than enough CIA employees who possess such «professional experience». published a list that would make disgraced Senator Joseph McCarthy, the purveyor of «red lists» of Communists in the 1950s, very proud. lists 200 sites, which it claims are «routine peddlers of Russian propaganda». On the list are Strategic,,,,,,, and RT.comand also appear on the list. Not on the list are media outlets that have notoriously engaged in fake news reporting. These include The New York Times, USA Today, NBC News, CBS News, The New Republic, CNN, and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Outrageously, the blacklist includes, a website maintained by survivors of the willful and unprovoked 1967 Israeli air and naval attack on the US intelligence ship «USS Liberty» in the eastern Mediterranean. The attack killed 34 American Navy sailors and intelligence personnel and the website, in part, is dedicated to their memory. The inclusion of the Liberty veterans’ website strongly suggests the involvement of pro-Israeli shills, all neoconservatives, who nest within a number non-profit think tanks in Washington, DC and may be associated with
The inclusion of some white nationalist «hate sites» on the list is reminiscent of the tactics of the misnamed «Southern Poverty Law Center» (SPLC) in Montgomery, Alabama. The center is neither «Southern» or suffering from poverty since it has $175 million in the bank and owns two buildings in Montgomery, both of which have been dubbed by critics as «Poverty Palaces». The Washington Post often quotes SPLC officials in attacking president-elect Donald Trump and his advisers. utilizes a very subjective methodology to come up with its black list: «it does not matter whether the sites listed here are being knowingly directed and paid by Russian intelligence officers, or whether they even knew they were echoing Russian propaganda at any particular point: If they meet these criteria, they are at the very least acting as bona-fide ‘useful idiots’ of the Russian intelligence services, and are worthy of further scrutiny». And who does propose for placing other websites on its blacklist and putting them under «further scrutiny?» Perhaps they want the CIA, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, or US Cyber Command to engage in harassment in violation of the First Amendment of the US Constitution.
Other alleged «Russian propaganda» websites included on the blacklist are,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (which advances the rights of Native Americans),, and
Many of the blacklisted websites have something in common: they supported Trump for president. The Washington Post heartily endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, which makes the blacklist appear to be, in part, nothing more than sour grapes on the part of the Post and its unnamed «experts» working for also managed to salt its list with a few obvious fake news websites, including, which purports to be a New York FM radio station;; and This has the effect of tarnishing the legitimate sites on the list by associating them with fabulists and cyber-grifters.
Two members of the Ronald Reagan administration, Director of the Office of Management and Budget David Stockman ( and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy Paul Craig Roberts ( find their websites on the blacklist. Also blacklisted is former Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul (
The blacklist highlighted by The Washington Post appears to be more of a censorship target list developed for the not-to-be Hillary Clinton administration. For the Post to engage in blacklisting other press outlets merely because it does not care for their news content is shameful beyond belief. If any outlet should be ordered to cease its operations for not acting in the public interest, it is The Washington Post for grossly distorting the news and misleading the public from the end of World War II to the present day.
If one wants «fake news» the intelligence-corporate complex is the place to go. From corporate media reports about bogus Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and the Pentagon’s hiring of British public relations firm Bell Pottinger to create fake news stories about terrorist attacks in Iraq to the use of a group called the «White Helmets» that pumps out fake stories regarding the Syrian government, the corporate media is full of «fake news» fed to it by an omnipresent US intelligence-run psychological warfare infrastructure.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the WestHow America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order