Showing posts with label NUCLEAR WAR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NUCLEAR WAR. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2019

CH -- Manlio Dinucci/曼里奥·迪努奇-- 孙子兵法 -- 意大利和欧盟投票支持美国在欧洲的导弹

Resultado de imagem para pictures of the statue given by Russia of Saint George», at The United Nations

The Art of War

Italy and the EU vote for US missiles in Europe


Manlio Dinucci


Near the United Nations Glass Palace in New York, there is a metallic sculpture entitled “Evil Defeated by Good”, representing Saint George transfixing a dragon with his lance. It was donated by the USSR in 1990 to celebrate the INF Treaty concluded with the USA in 1987, which banned land-based short- and mid-range nuclear missiles (a reach of between 500 and 5,000 km). Symbolically,the body of the dragon is in fact made with pieces of US Pershing-2 ballistic missiles (originally based  in West Germany) and Soviet SS-20 missiles (originally based in the USSR).

But the nuclear dragon, which in the sculpture is shown as dying, is now being reborn. Thanks to Italy and other countries of the European Union, which, at the United Nations General Assembly, voted against the resolution presented by Russia on the “Preservation and Implementation of the INF Treaty”, rejected by 46 to 43 with 78 abstentions.

The European Union – of which 21 of its 27 members are part of NATO (including the United Kingdom, which is currently leaving the EU) – has thus taken a uniform stance with the position of NATO, which in turn has taken a uniform stance with that of the United States.

The Obama administration first, followed by the Trump administration, have accused Russia, without any proof, of experimenting with a missile from the forbidden category, and have announced their intention of withdrawing from the INF Treaty. At the same time, they have launched a programme aimed at renewing the installation of nuclear missiles in Europe to guard against Russia, while others will also be based in the Asia-Pacific region against China.

The Russian representative at the UN has warned that “this constitutes the beginning of a full-blown arms race”. In other words, he warned that if the United States should once again install in Europe nuclear missiles pointed at Russia (as were the Cruise missiles based in Comiso in the 1980's), Russia would once again install, on its own territory, similar weapons pointed at targets in Europe (but which would be unable to reach the USA).

Ignoring all that, the EU representative at the UNO accused Russia of sabotaging the INF Treaty, and announced the opposition vote by all the countries of the Union because “the resolution presented by Russia avoids the question under discussion”. Essentially, therefore, the European Union has given the green light to the possible installation of new US missiles in Europe, including Italy.

On a question of this importance, the Conte government, like its predecessors, has abandoned the exercise of national sovereignty and aligned itself with the EU, which, has in turn adopted the position of NATO, under US command. And across the entire political arc, not one voice has been raised to request that it should be the Parliament which decides how to vote at the UNO. And similarly, no voice has been raised in Parliament to request that Italy observe the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which requires that the USA must withdraw its B61 nuclear bombs from our national territory, and must also abstain from installing here, as from the first half of 2020, the new and even more dangerous B61-12's.

So this is a new violation of the fundamental constitutional principle that “sovereignty belongs to the people”. And since the politico-media apparatus swaddles Italians in the ignorance of these questions of such vital importance, it is also a violation of our right to information, not only in the sense of the freedom to inform, but also the right to be informed.

We  must do this now, or else tomorrow there will be no time to decide – a mid-range ballistic missile can reach and destroy its target with its nuclear warhead in between 6 and 11 minutes.
们现在必须动起来反对这件事,否则明天就没有时间来决定 —— 一枚中程弹道导弹可以在611钟内用核弹头达到并摧毁其目标。





 地理学家和政治学家。 他最新的书Laboratorio di geografia, Zanichelli 2014 ; Diario di viaggio, Zanichelli 2017 ; L’arte della guerra / Annali della strategia Usa/Nato 1990-2016, Zambon 2016, Guerra Nucleare. Il Giorno Prima 2017; Diario di guerra Asterios Editores 2018.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

DE -- Manlio Dinucci -- Die Kunst des Krieges -- Italien und das EU-Votum für US-Raketen in Europa

Resultado de imagem para pictures of the statue given by Russia of Saint George», at The United Nations

Die Kunst des Krieges
Italien und das EU-Votum für US-Raketen in Europa

  In der Nähe des Glaspalastes der Vereinten Nationen in New York befindet sich eine metallische Skulptur mit dem Titel "Evil Defeated by Good" [Das Böse vom Guten besiegt], die den Heiligen Georg darstellt, der einen Drachen mit seiner Lanze durchbohrt. Sie wurde 1990 von der UdSSR gestiftet, um den 1987 mit den USA geschlossenen INF-Vertrag zu feiern, der landgestützte Kurz- und Mittelstreckenraketen (der Reichweite von 500 bis 5.000 km) verbietet. Symbolisch ist der Körper des Drachens tatsächlich aus Stücken von US Pershing-2 ballistischen Raketen (ursprünglich aus Westdeutschland) und sowjetischen SS-20-Raketen (ursprünglich aus der UdSSR) hergestellt.
  Aber der Atomdrache, der in der Skulptur als sterbend dargestellt ist, wird nun wiedergeboren. Dank Italien und anderer Länder der Europäischen Union, die in der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen gegen die von Russland vorgelegte Resolution zur "Erhaltung und Umsetzung des INF-Vertrags" gestimmt haben, die 46 zu 43 bei 78 Enthaltungen abgelehnt wurde.
  Die Europäische Union - von der 21 ihrer 27 Mitglieder der NATO angehören (einschließlich des Vereinigten Königreichs, das gerade die EU verlässt) - hat damit eine einheitliche Haltung gegenüber der Position der NATO eingenommen, die wiederum eine einheitliche Haltung gegenüber den Vereinigten Staaten eingenommen hat.
   Zuerst die Obama-Regierung, gefolgt von der Trump-Regierung, hat Russland ohne jeden Beweis beschuldigt, mit einer Rakete aus der verbotenen Kategorie zu experimentieren, und ihre Absicht angekündigt, sich aus dem INF-Vertrag zurückzuziehen. Gleichzeitig haben sie ein Programm zur Erneuerung der Aufstellung von Atomraketen in Europa zum Schutz vor Russland gestartet, während andere auch im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum gegen China stationiert sein werden.
   Der russische Vertreter bei den Vereinten Nationen hat gewarnt, dass "dies den Beginn eines ausgewachsenen Wettrüstens darstellt". Mit anderen Worten, er warnte, dass, wenn die Vereinigten Staaten wieder Atomraketen in Europa installieren sollten, die auf Russland gerichtet sind (wie die Cruise Missiles in Comiso in den 80er Jahren), Russland wieder ähnliche Waffen auf seinem eigenen Territorium installieren würde, die auf Ziele in Europa gerichtet sind (aber die USA nicht erreichen könnten).
   Unter Missachtung all dessen beschuldigte der EU-Vertreter bei der UNO Russland, den INF-Vertrag sabotiert zu haben, und kündigte die Oppositionsabstimmung aller Länder der Union an, weil "die von Russland vorgelegte Resolution die zur Debatte stehende Frage vermeidet". Im Grunde hat die Europäische Union daher grünes Licht für die mögliche Aufstellung  neuer US-Raketen in Europa, einschließlich Italien, gegeben.
   In einer so wichtigen Frage hat die Regierung Conte, wie ihre Vorgänger, die Ausübung der nationalen Souveränität aufgegeben und sich der EU angeschlossen, die ihrerseits die Position der NATO unter dem Kommando der USA übernommen hat. Und über den gesamten politischen Bogen hinweg wurde keine einzige Stimme erhoben, um zu fordern, dass das Parlament über die Abstimmung in der UNO entscheidet. Und ebenso wurde im Parlament keine Stimme erhoben, um Italien aufzufordern, den Atomwaffensperrvertrag einzuhalten, der vorsieht, dass die USA ihre Atombomben B61 aus unserem Staatsgebiet abziehen und auch darauf verzichten müssen, hier ab dem ersten Halbjahr 2020 die neuen und noch gefährlicheren B61-12 zu aufzustellen.
   Dies ist also ein neuer Verstoß gegen das grundlegende Verfassungsprinzip, dass "die Souveränität dem Volk gehört". Und da der politisch-mediale Apparat die Italiener in Unkenntnis dieser so wichtigen Fragen wiegt, ist er auch eine Verletzung unseres Rechts auf Information, nicht nur im Sinne der Freiheit zu informieren, sondern auch des Rechts darauf, informiert zu werden.
   Wir müssen dies jetzt tun, sonst bleibt morgen keine Zeit für eine Entscheidung - eine Mittelstreckenrakete kann ihr Ziel mit ihrem Atomsprengkopf in 6 bis 11 Minuten erreichen und zerstören.
Manlio Dinucci
Übersetzung aus dem Englischen: K.R.
Quelle: il manifesto (Italien)


 Manlio Dinucci
Geograph und Geopolitiker. Letztes veröffentliche Werk: Laboratorio di geografia, Zanichelli 2014 ; Diario di viaggio, Zanichelli 2017 ; L’arte della guerra / Annali della strategia Usa/Nato 1990-2016, Zambon 2016, Guerra Nucleare. Il Giorno Prima 2017; Diario di guerra Asterios Editores 2018

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

EN -- Manlio Dinucci -- « THE ART OF WAR » -- The EU votes for the installation of new US missiles in Europe

Resultado de imagem para pictures of the statue given by Russia of Saint George», at The United Nations 
The EU votes for the installation of new US missiles in Europe
by Manlio Dinucci

  Near the United Nations Glass Palace in New York, there is a metallic sculpture entitled “Evil Defeated by Good”, representing Saint George transfixing a dragon with his lance. It was donated by the USSR in 1990 to celebrate the INF Treaty concluded with the USA in 1987, which banned land-based short- and mid-range nuclear missiles (a reach of between 500 and 5,000 km). Symbolically,the body of the dragon is in fact made with pieces of US Pershing-2 ballistic missiles (originally based  in West Germany) and Soviet SS-20 missiles (originally based in the USSR).

  But the nuclear dragon, which in the sculpture is shown as dying, is now being reborn. Thanks to Italy and other countries of the European Union, which, at the United Nations General Assembly, voted against the resolution presented by Russia on the “Preservation and Implementation of the INF Treaty”, rejected by 46 to 43 with 78 abstentions.

  The European Union – of which 21 of its 27 members are part of NATO (including the United Kingdom, which is currently leaving the EU) – has thus taken a uniform stance with the position of NATO, which in turn has taken a uniform stance with that of the United States.

   The Obama administration first, followed by the Trump administration, have accused Russia, without any proof, of experimenting with a missile from the forbidden category, and have announced their intention of withdrawing from the INF Treaty. At the same time, they have launched a programme aimed at renewing the installation of nuclear missiles in Europe to guard against Russia, while others will also be based in the Asia-Pacific region against China.

   The Russian representative at the UN has warned that “this constitutes the beginning of a full-blown arms race”. In other words, he warned that if the United States should once again install in Europe nuclear missiles pointed at Russia (as were the Cruise missiles based in Comiso in the 1980's), Russia would once again install, on its own territory, similar weapons pointed at targets in Europe (but which would be unable to reach the USA).

   Ignoring all that, the EU representative at the UNO accused Russia of sabotaging the INF Treaty, and announced the opposition vote by all the countries of the Union because “the resolution presented by Russia avoids the question under discussion”. Essentially, therefore, the European Union has given the green light to the possible installation of new US missiles in Europe, including Italy.

   On a question of this importance, the Conte government, like its predecessors, has abandoned the exercise of national sovereignty and aligned itself with the EU, which, has in turn adopted the position of NATO, under US command. And across the entire political arc, not one voice has been raised to request that it should be the Parliament which decides how to vote at the UNO. And similarly, no voice has been raised in Parliament to request that Italy observe the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which requires that the USA must withdraw its B61 nuclear bombs from our national territory, and must also abstain from installing here, as from the first half of 2020, the new and even more dangerous B61-12's.

   So this is a new violation of the fundamental constitutional principle that “sovereignty belongs to the people”. And since the politico-media apparatus swaddles Italians in the ignorance of these questions of such vital importance, it is also a violation of our right to information, not only in the sense of the freedom to inform, but also the right to be informed.

   We  must do this now, or else tomorrow there will be no time to decide – a mid-range ballistic missile can reach and destroy its target with its nuclear warhead in between 6 and 11 minutes.
il manifesto,  January 8, 2018
Translator: Pete Kimberley


Manlio Dinucci

Geographer and geopolitical scientist. His latest books areLaboratorio di geografia, Zanichelli 2014 ; Diario di viaggio, Zanichelli 2017 ; L’arte della guerra / Annali della strategia Usa/Nato 1990-2016, Zambon 2016, Guerra Nucleare. Il Giorno Prima 2017; Diario di guerra Asterios Editores 2018.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

CH -- 曼利奥·迪努希 -- 在面临核战争的风险下,意大利扮演起了三只小猴的角色

Resultado de imagem para pictures of Conti di Maio , Salvini together

Faced with the risk of nuclear war,
Italy plays the Three Little Monkeys


Manlio Dinucci


What was the reaction to the warning by Russian President Putin when he said that the world underestimates the peril of
nuclear war, and that this tendency is increasing?

   The commentary in the La Repubblica is significant, speaking of his “highly alarming tone”. The almost absolute silence of the whole Parliamentarian arc is also eloquent. As if Italy had nothing to do with the race to stock up nuclear weapons which, warned Putin in his end-of-year Press conference, could lead to the “destruction of all civilisation or even the whole planet”. The scenario is not alarmist, but a realistic assessment by scientists who study the effects of nuclear weapons.
  A specific danger – emphasises Putin – is the “tendency to lower the bar for the use of nuclear weapons, by creating tactical low-impact nuclear charges which may lead to a world-wide nuclear disaster”. This is the category including the new B61-12 nuclear bombs which the USA will begin to deploy in Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland, and perhaps in other European countries, during the first half of the year 2020. “High precision and the possibility of using less destructive warheads”  - warns the Federation of American Scientists – “may lead military commanders to insist on the use of nuclear  bombs in an attack, knowing that radioactive fallout and collateral damage would be limited”.

   Italy shares the responsibility for the growing danger of nuclear war, since, in  violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and not being a signatory of the UNO Treaty forbidding nuclear weapons, it is providing the United States with a primarily anti-Russian capacity, not only with its bases, but also aircraft and pilots for the deployment of nuclear bombs. This comes with the explicit or implicit consent (by renouncing real opposition) of the entire arc of Parliament.

   The other danger – warns Putin – is the “disintegration of the international system for arms control”, initiated by the retreat of the United States from the ABM Treaty (Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty) in 2002. Created in 1972 by the USA and the USSR, it forbade each of the two parties to deploy interceptor missiles which, by neutralising reprisals by countries under attack, would have favoured a « first strike », in other words a surprise nuclear attack. Since then, the United States have developed the “anti-missile shield”, stretching from Europe to the borders of Russia – two ground installations in Romania and Poland, and four warships cruising the Baltic and the Black Sea.  Equipped with launch tubes, these ships are able to launch interceptor missiles and also cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.

    Italy shares the responsibility in this case also – the installation of the JTAGS (Joint Tactical Ground Station) at Sigonella (Sicily). This a US satellite station for the “anti-missile shield”, one of five on the planet. The situation is made worse by the fact that the USA now want to retire from the 1987 INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) - which eliminated the US nuclear missiles based in Comiso - in order to be able to deploy in Europe anti-Russian ground-based intermediate-range nuclear missiles. The Italian government is also implicated, since it endorsed this plan at the North Atlantic Council of 4 December, and is without a doubt favourable to the installation of these missiles in Italy. “If these missiles arrive in Europe, the West should not be astonished if we react” said Putin. A warning which was ignored by Conte, Di Maio and  Salvini (1) who continue to beat the drum for the anti-migrant “Security Decree”. But when US nuclear bombs and missiles arrive and put the real security of Italy in danger, they see nothing, hear nothing and say nothing.

Sunday, 23 December 2018 Edition of il manifesto
20181223日星期日 第二版



(1) President of the Council and Vice-President of the current government of Italy




 地理学家和政治学家。 他最新的书Laboratorio di geografia, Zanichelli 2014 ; Diario di viaggio, Zanichelli 2017 ; L’arte della guerra / Annali della strategia Usa/Nato 1990-2016, Zambon 2016, Guerra Nucleare. Il Giorno Prima 2017; Diario di guerra Asterios Editores 2018.