Tuesday, December 5, 2017

What Washington’s “wars of liberation” have brought to its Swedish Puppet State

 What Washington’s “wars of liberation” have brought to its Swedish Puppet State

What Washington’s “wars of liberation” have brought to its Swedish Puppet State

Victim tried to get help, but was ignored & insulted by locals
Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com - DECEMBER 4, 2017 536 Comments 
Sweden: Migrant Who Participated in 20-Man Gang Rape of Woman Tells Police it Was "Fun"
A migrant who took part in a 20-man gang rape of a woman in a suburb of Stockholm, Sweden told police that the experience was a “fun joke”.
The incident occurred last summer in the Fittja area of the Swedish capital. 20 men were involved in the brutal gang rape, which took place in a stairwell, but police were only able to identify and charge five of the culprits, all of whom were migrants from Somali and Iraq.
According to the 30-year-old woman, the migrants “discussed who would get to use me first” before pulling her up to the second floor. “Many stood waiting for their turn,” she added.
The migrants smashed the woman’s head against the staircase, knocking her unconscious, as well as threatening her with a knife.
The migrants laughed and filmed the scene on their cellphones as the attack unfolded. During a police interview, one of the attackers said the entire ordeal was a “fun joke” to the men.
The victim’s situation was made worse by the fact that when she attempted to get help from locals, they either ignored or insulted her.
One man who had lived in the area for 15 years saw the rape happening but did nothing because, in his own words he has “learned not to see or hear so much”. The woman was also labeled “disgusting” by another person because she had sperm in her hair as a result of the gang rape.
According to Attorney Elisabeth Massi Fritz, the incident is one of the worst rape incidents she has dealt with in 26 years of practice, saying that the attackers inflicted “torture-like trauma” on her client.
While the mainstream media has embarked on a disinformation campaign to downplay the severity of sexual assaults since Sweden began accepting more Muslim migrants in 2015, rapes have increased by 14% since last year. A recent poll also found that half of young women in the country felt insecure walking the streets.
Sexual assaults on women at music festivals in Sweden have also risen by 1000%, with feminists and organizers responding by proposing that all men be banned from such events.
As we previously reported, Sweden’s migrant ghettos are now so dangerous that police are installing microphones to pick up the sound of women screaming.
While sexual assaults and rapes of women are spiraling out of control, the Swedish government is busy publishing reports that say putting the word “refugees” in quotation marks is “hate” and that questioning the age of child migrants is also a form of extremism.

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