Saturday, June 2, 2018

Sahih Hadith against Leaving from the taraweeh before the Imam finishes

Leaving from the taraweeh before the Imam finishes:

It is noticed that some of the people during taraweeh prayers leave after imam finishes 8 rakats, thinking that sunnah is only 8 rakats or due to other reasons.
This is against saheeh hadith (given below) and also against the fatwas of Shaikhs Bin Baaz, Jibreen, Munajjid etc.

However, If someone wants to pray only 8 rakats then they should go to a Masjid where taraweeh of only 8 rakats is prayed.

It is proven from the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) that he encouraged praying Taraweeh in congregation and he said:
“Whoever stays with the imam until he leaves, (the reward of) qiyaam al-layl will be written for him.”

Narrated and classed as saheeh by al-Tirmidhi (806); also narrated by Abu Dawood (1375), al-Nasaa’i (1605), and Ibn Maajah (1327). Also classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi. 

This reward will not be attained by anyone but the one who prays with the imam until he has finished all the prayers.

*The one who only prays some of the prayer and then leaves is not entitled to the reward promised in this hadeeth, which is that of spending a night in prayer (qiyaam layl). 

Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: 

If a person prays in Ramadan with someone who prays twenty-three rak‘ahs, but he only prays eleven and does not complete the prayer with the imam, is this action of his in accordance with the Sunnah? 

*He replied: The Sunnah is to complete the prayer with the imam, even if he prays twenty-three rak ‘ahs, because the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever stands (in prayer) with the imam until he finishes, Allah will record for him (the reward of) spending a night in prayer.” According to another report: “… The rest of that night.” 

It is better for one who is praying behind an imam to stay with him until he finishes, whether he prays eleven rak‘ahs or thirteen or twenty three or whatever. That is preferable, to follow the imam until he finishes.
End quote from Majmoo‘ Fataawa Ibn Baaz, 11/325 

Shaykh Ibn Jibreen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: 

Praying qiyaam in Ramadan is attained by praying part of the night, such as half of it or one third of it, whether that is by praying eleven rak‘ahs or twenty-three. Qiyaam is attained by praying behind the neighbourhood imam until he finishes, even if he finishes within one hour. 

Taken from:
https://islamqa .info/en/153247

Apart from loosing the rewards of qiyaam layl the brothers who leave the rows of the Masjid after 8 rakats become a cause of unnecessary disturbance to the congregation and a fitna for the other people with a weak determination and poor knowledge of the Deen, causing them to leave as well considering that it's okay to leave when one wants instead of forcing one's nafs to complete the taraweeh!

So if someone thinks that taraweeh is only 8 rakaats, then let him go to Masjid where only 8 rakaats are offered by the imam.
May Allah guide us all.

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