Wednesday, August 21, 2019

22 Most Unbelievable Body Art Illusions (Video)

22 Most Unbelievable Body Art Illusions (Video)

Which of these illusions was your favourite? Let us know in the comments below and subscribe to our blog for more intriguing videos just like this –
Thanks for watching!

15 - Painters Paradise…
This is another surreal piece of work from Annie Ralli, whom we mentioned earlier… this stunning illusion is created with lots of patience, love and creativity.  Annie used to be a BBC scenic artist where she worked for 10 years.
 14 - Art has no rules…
And Chooo-San knows that only too well. This is another one of her incredible creations. Chooo-San only uses acrylic paints to create these inventive body art designs and she discovered she had a talent when she was doodling eyes on the back of her hands whilst taking breaks from her studies.
 13 - Your body is my canvas…
So, says Alexa Meade, an installation artist from America. She paints portraits directly on to bodies, and somehow manages to lose the depth of the subjects to make everything 2d. She initially thought she would go into politics, but aren’t you glad she didn’t? She’s worked on projects all around the world!
 12 - Eye opening…
Or in this illusion, mouth opening! This is one designed by Swedish make-up artist Sandra Holmborm, perfectly placed eyebrows and an iris that seems to pull you in, this creation is enough to freak anyone out!
 11 - Hard to focus…
This crazy illusion has been recreated by a few people, and the results are always the same… one battles to actually look at it without scrunching up one’s eyes, or trying to close one eye to view it properly. This is one you have to try at your next Halloween.
 10 - No humans were harmed…
In the making of this video… This is a special piece created by Jonathan Harris, who has around 600 000 YouTube subscribers, who love watching him create the most insane art on his hand! He calls it, Cool 3D trick art optical illusion”
 9 - Piece of work…
I would love to know how long it takes for these make-up artists to put together their incredible pieces. This is just upping the Halloween make-up level to the top, where most of us would never, ever be able to reach! I actually feel sorry for the little kids who meet her in the street!
 8 - Just Face It…
She’s talented! This is Dain Yoon, a college student from South Korea where she is studying art. She uses her face as her canvas, and her inspiration is the complexity of human beings. It can sometimes take around 12-hours to complete one of her projects.
 7 - Cats out the bag…
This beautiful tiger was created using 3 people to provide the canvas, so you can only image how massive this was and how still those 3 models had to sit, whilst the artist prepared their bodies for this amazing project.
6 - Fright Night…
After watching a video like this, you really gain a whole new appreciation for these talented artists, don’t you?
 5 - Wooden Doll comes to life…
This mind-blowing illusion was created by Mirjana Kika Milosevic, a make-up artist from Serbia. This wooden puppet doll won her internet fame and the “national NYX Face Awards competition” in the category for optical illusions.
 4 - See it to believe it…
Here’s another stunning creation from Jonathan Harris, and he really does make the creating of this super illusion so easy. He has won many awards for his incredible work, and his videos are surreal to watch.
 3 - Through the looking glass…
You can imagine these designs in something like Alice in Wonderland. This was done by Natalie Fletcher from Oregon, who creates very unusual illusions on male torsos. Some of her designs look like there’s things moving underneath the surface of the skin, while others look like a deep hole into nothingness!
 2 - Look again…
It does sort of look like this car is melting, which already is a bit unusual… but take a closer look and see how the people have been transformed into this vehicle.
1 - Just an illusion…

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