During the 70's, men's rights groups in Virginia were supported by women who comprised 25% of these organizations whom themselves were mothers, wives and grandmothers, who were helping men fight bigoted judges and the justice system who just painted them as "radicals" and even went as far as to lie to say that any advance on men's causes, were done so by feminists":
"Donald A. Hillstrom, an 'approved' Minneapolis attorney who specializes in representing men in who seek custody, credits men's groups not only with instilling members with a positive attitude that has helped them win, but also changing the attitudes of the courts.
' At first', says Hillstrom, 'the Minnesota courts considered them radical organizations and ignored them. Then they realized the men's groups were there to stay, and subtle changes began to occur. Judicial treatment of men became more fair, and more men began to win custody over their children.'
Chief Judge Susanne C Sedwick of the Hennepin County (Minnesota) Family Court, sees it a little differently however.
'The courts really haven't been influenced by the existence of men's rights groups;, says Judge Sedwick. Instead, she attributes the decline of ' the stereotyping courts have been guilty of" to a general raising of the public consciousness begun by the Women's Rights Movement.'
'Most of the men's rights activists do not consider themselves anti-feminists, but rather- as Virginia's Diamond puts it- 'Pro-family'. 'Texas' Shelton says that 25% of his members are women, whose ex-daughters- and sons-in-law, who have prevented them from seeing their grandchildren after divorce.
In Virginia, Diamond's group is forming a 'Second Wives Coalition' whose members have all married divorced men and whose paychecks, because of what they claim are inequities in alimony and support statutes, go to help support their husbands' ex-wives."
That judge was a founding member National Association of Women Judges which is another sexist female supremist organization pretty much. Check out their mission statement and website:
"NAWJ is the nation’s leading voice for women jurists dedicated to preserving judicial independence, ensuring equal justice and access to the courts for women, minorities and other historically disfavored groups, providing judicial education on cutting-edge issues, and increasing the numbers and advancement of women judges at all levels to more accurately reflect their full participation in a democratic society."
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