Monday, November 9, 2020

C Rations & Latrines

No chunky - only smooth

C ration peanut butter was a smooth and flavorful spread that was often used in spoofing new soldiers. We called them Cherry's in the Airborne. SOP was a Cherry would be assigned to clean latrine toilets. Once finished, his attention would be diverted while a small amount of peanut butter would be placed surreptitiously on the bottom of one of his toilets. The tiny 'British Tan' pile would contrast nicely against the stark white porcelain.

At inspection, the young Cherry stood proudly by his row. An inspector would walk past upon review, stop at a toilet, point to it and ask the Cherry, "What in the hell is that?" The Cherry would come over and seeing the pile shake his head in disbelief. "I don't know, sergeant?"

The sergeant would peer down into the toilet, "It looks like shit." Reaching in, he'd take the peanut butter between thumb and middle finger and bring it to his nose, "It smells like shit." A startled Cherry would stare in horror as the sergeant would insert the peanut butter in his mouth and in lip smacking insouciance proclaim, "It tastes like shit." A shame Tommy Hilfiger missed out on all this.

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