Friday, April 26, 2019

Rationalising Allah's commands:

Rationalising Allah's commands:

It’s not surprising that some Muslims attempt to rationalize any and every ruling, considering Western influence, where every function of morality must have a rational reasoning

When Non-Muslims ask “why can’t you eat pork?” our inferiority complex or ignorance kicks in, and we begin to rationalize the commandments of Allah because that is the type of reasoning we are taught in schools and at home - due to secular infiltration of our minds.

The concept of “we hear and we obey” is foreign here, so in order to not appear unintelligent, we now attempt to provide a reasoning for a ruling that Allah didn’t mention anywhere.

What divine knowledge do we possess that we allow ourselves to speculate on the “intention” of a ruling?

Stories about why we do certain things spread like the plague in our communities, and people do not see the implications of this poor form of reasoning.

If we fast to feel how the poor feel, are the poor then free from fasting?

If women cover to avoid harassment & to not be noticed, wouldn’t that mean they should take it off in this day and age?

If we don’t eat pork because it’s “dirty”, what if we ensure it’s clean?

All of those reasons stated above may be the wisdom behind the rulings. We can only speculate on that.

But in Usūl ul-Fiqh (principles of jurisprudence) there is made a distinction between hikma (wisdom) and ‘illa (the effective cause).

‘Illa is the reason/cause. Not hikma

So our fundamental understanding is that if there is no reason provided by Allah or the Prophet ﷺ, then we follow the commandments simply because we have been ordered to.

This sometimes means that when people ask “why?”, we respond “because Allah has commanded us to”

When faced with these question, it’s an EXCELLENT opportunity for da’wah. 

This is the perfect time to talk about the concept of objective morality, and that our opinions do not matter if the choice has been made for us by our Lord or His Messenger.

“The only statement of the [true] believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say, "We hear and we obey." And those are the successful.” (24:51)


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