Saturday, September 12, 2020

MY FW: Fashion Media

"The people who did M magazine… had just a very high level of taste and a broad knowledge and understanding of the world… they never talked down, they never simplified for their readers, they really educated them on a very high level…I can't help but think that the magazines of today simply pander to the lowest common denominator of their readers. I just can't get it through my head that doing a dozen-paged fashion layout of distressed jeans and t-shirts… constitutes a high-level of taste." G. Bruce Boyer

"Advertising dollars play a big part in this industry. And therein lies the rub. Say there's a designer spending $75 million on advertising, and it's not the greatest collection; the [media] are going to turn around and say it's great because of the advertising dollars... If you don't have the advertising, you don't have a magazine, and magazines go in and out of business, left, right and center." Photographer Richard Spiegel

 "It used to be that you'd go the theater, you'd write a review.  Now people are being politically correct in fashion -- they go to the shows and sit there and get a sore bottom. They sort of swim around, and their criticisms are rather soft.  I think they're being politically correct because things have changed and everything is advertising driven." John Fairchild

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