Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Pinning Fashion's Lapel

My ARCOM Lapel Pin

Tommy (close up here) Hilfiger's Lapel Pin

At the Bastian show Monday I shouted out to Mordechai Rubenstein (Mr Mort) from the photo section. Mordechai is a helluva lot of fun and I've missed him since he left New York for San Francisco a year or so ago. He has a great eye and a lot going on style wise, but I think his success stems from his personality. He's a genuinely nice guy. Unlike me.

He walks over and compliments me on a canvas blazer and points to the Army Commendation Medal lapel pin (seen here earlier). "What is that? Is it real?" I look at him and say, "Of course it's fucking real. It's an Army Commendation medal." Mordechai backs away, "Well, I knew it was real. I mean you wouldn't..." and his voice trails off as he returns to his seat.

I don't hear the rest but I can't help but wonder -- as anyone in the Army will tell you -- why anyone would fake an ARCOM lapel pin. That's like saying you made it through Basic. And then I see these runway shots from GQ and lapel pins are everywhere. Amazing. The one piece of understated Army cool known to the few - gone. But I have an idea...

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