Thursday, November 2, 2017

READ TRANSLATE AND SPREAD -- Washington’s Barbarity Reaches New Heights? by Paul Craig Roberts

Washington’s Barbarity Reaches New Heights?

Washington’s Barbarity Reaches New Heights?
Paul Craig Roberts
Information has reached me from Italy, Germany and the UK that foreign-funded NGOs in Russia are collecting Russian DNA samples from all over Russia for the US Government. I have found English language verification of these reports.
What is the reason for the US government’s interest in studying Russian DNA samples?What immediately leaps to mind is a tailored biological weapon that only targets Russians. Washington has evaded constraints placed on biological weapons work by maintaining laboratories in Africa.
Of course, there might be an innocent explanation. But why have Western-funded NGOs collect Russian DNA samples? Why not explain the project to the Russians, if the project is innocent, and invite them to work together on the project?
Putin himself has sounded the alarm.
Here are some sources:
Here is the General Services Administration’s notice in behalf of the US Air Force for Russian Caucasian Synovial tissue and RNA samples:
And this from a scientist in the UK:
“Understanding DNA underlies the basis of all life and deciphering its details allows the development of cures… and weapons of course. Even in the 80s when I studied molecular biology, it was possible to use  endonuclease restriction enzymes to recombine DNA in all possible ways, including between all animal, plant and even insect species. In Cambridge in the early 90s, I routinely used original cholera bacteria from collections of epidemic outbreaks in the 19th century for my postgrad research to cut the cholera toxin in such a way that its disease-forming molecular part was separated from the immunogenic part. This was not original work even in the 80s and 90s. I had declined to work with another Nobel Laureate in Cambridge, because I wanted to make healing vaccines against the most common killers of humanity:  respiratory and especially gastrointestinal vaccines that cause diarrhea. I was too naive and far too compartmentalised at the time to understand why the British military wanted to invite me to meet with them at the time…”
Following years of Washington’s false accusations and threats against Russia, this latest development is likely to elevate tensions higher.

 31 Oct 2017 at 13:30
US special services collect biomaterial of Russian citizens for new type of bio weapons
A new conspiracy theory, voiced by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights about the efforts of  US special services to collect biomaterial for the subsequent development of biological weapons against Russia, caused explosive reactions in social media. Putin's remarks about the biomaterial has become an Internet meme instantly.
US special services collect biomaterial of Russian citizens for new type of bio weapons. 61512.jpeg
AP photo
"Do you know that the biological material is collected all over the country for different ethnic groups and peoples living in different geographical area of the Russian Federation? The question is why they are doing it, and they are doing it purposefully and professionally.We are an object of great interest. Of course, we do not need to have any fear about it. Let them do whatever they want, and we must do what we have to do," Putin said without specifying what the Russians should do in response to such activities.
Predictably, many people suggested that Russia will start searching for foreign agents or collectors of biomaterials. Russian senators have reacted to Putin's statement by saying that the Council of the Federation was aware of the problem. "We are aware of their interest. Let those who are engaged in this work on the territory of Russia do not take offense," Senator Franz Klintsevich said.
Interestingly, it was reported in the summer of this year that the US military planned to purchase samples of ribonucleic acid (RNA) - living tissues of Caucasian Russians.  On July 28, RT television channel paid attention to the contract of the US Air Force, which was posted on the website of government tenders Federal Business Opportunity.
According to the contract, all samples of the freshly frozen synovial membrane of a healthy person and ribonucleic acid of a healthy person should be of Russian/Caucasian origin," the contract said adding that donor samples from Ukraine will not be accepted. aAn expert told RT that RNA samples could be used to develop viruses for the creation of new types of biological weapons for specific gene pool carriers.

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Special services believe foreign NGOs are harvesting Russian DNA samples - Kremlin
Published time: 31 Oct, 2017 15:11Edited time: 1 Nov, 2017 08:21
Special services believe foreign NGOs are harvesting Russian DNA samples - Kremlin
© Global Look Press
Russian special services are in possession of intelligence suggesting that NGOs are collecting genetic material from the country’s population, a Kremlin spokesman has confirmed.
The official statement comes just one day after President Vladimir Putin said that biological samples are being harvested“purposefully and professionally” all over Russia.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin © Alexei Nikolsky
"This information comes from Russian special services,” Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Tuesday.
“Some emissaries are really carrying out such activities, representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other bodies. Such cases were registered, and security services, the president naturally have this information.”
On Monday, speaking at Russia’s Human Rights Council, Putin puzzled the audience by saying Russians’ genetic material is being harvested all across the country for some purpose. “Do you know that biological material is being collected all over the country, from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical regions of the Russian Federation?” the president asked.
“The question is – why is it being done? It's being done purposefully and professionally. We are a kind of object of great interest,” he continued. Putin did not specify at the time who might be behind the activities involving Russians’ biological samples.

“Let them do what they want, and we must do what we must,” he said.

Why is Russian DNA Being Collected?
Why is Russian DNA Being Collected?

In a recent speech to a human rights gathering, Russian President Vladimir Putin made the claim that “U.S. special services agents” were collecting DNA samples from Russians of different ethnic groups as part of the development of a possible ethno-biological weapon.
"Do you know that the biological material is collected all over the country for different ethnic groups and peoples living in different geographical area of the Russian Federation? The question is why they are doing it, and they are doing it purposefully and professionally," he said. "We are an object of great interest. Of course, we do not need to have any fear about it. Let them do whatever they want, and we must do what we have to do."
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov later clarified the samples are being collected by foreign non-governmental organizations.
Putin’s statement follows reports the U.S. Air Force sought the purchase of RNA samples from Caucasian Russians. The “federal business opportunity” was posted to a government website this past summer.
Gennady Onishchenko, a Russian politician with close ties to the Kremlin, has proposed new “biological security” legislation to limit access to Russians’ DNA. He said it’s believed foreign labs are analyzing Russian DNA as part of an “aggressive military program” aimed at developing ethno-specific biological weapons.
It is believed both the U.S. and Russia were working toward “ethnic bioweapons” during the Cold War, and in the late-1990s, it was reported that Israel was developing a similar biological weapon that could target Arabs. Such a weapon could theoretically kill anyone with specific genetic markers, or could be used to sterilize the men or women of a particular ethnic group.
Such a weapon would be impossible to detect, and impossible to stop once it was unleashed upon a population.
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Synovial Tissue / RNA Samples

Solicitation Number: FA3016-17-U-0164
Agency: Department of the Air Force
Office: Air Education and Training Command
Location: 502d Contracting Squadron

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Added: Jul 19, 2017 4:26 pm
Amendment No. 0001 to RFQ FA3016-17-U-0164 is hereby released as follows:

(1) Provide answers to industry generated questions below:

Q1: For the RNA samples: do you require a minimum amount?

A1: Please see Attachment No. 2 "Schedule of Supplies" to the original solicitation.  The Government requires 12 each Normal Human Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Samples.

Q2: Would you consider samples from Ukraine?

A2: No, all samples (Synovial tissue and RNA samples) shall be collected from Russia and must be Caucasian.  The Government will not consider tissue samples from Ukraine.  

Q3: Would you accept prospective collection or only samples from a retrospective collections?

A3: The Government will only accept retrospective collections.

All other terms and conditions of the solicitation remain unchanged.

Offerors must acknowledge all amendments in writing and submit the documentation with the quotation submittals.
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