Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Rupture, Castration, And The Reasons To Use Them.

Some Women and many Men don't know the when it is and is not okay to use rupture to punish a man and today I'm hoping that I can use my perspective to help people better understand. I want to basically make a laundry list of times when it is okay to destroy a mans testicles.
Now, this post was actually inspired by comments I have been reading on Annies blog. There is a man on there who thinks it is unfair that he was sexually assaulting a woman and she popped his ball because he only had one. That is very wrong. If a man ever tells you not to use rupture on him because he only has one nut, don't listen to him. If you were going to rupture a testicle do not let him only having one change your mind. He most likely lost the first one from bad behavior anyway, so popping the last one is not a bad thing. With that being said, let's get into it.

Things that definitely deserve rupture:

- attempted rape
-attempted murder
-sexual harassment or assault
-on going bad behavior

These are all things that are majorly toxic and need to be handled with castration

Things that might deserve rupture

- rudeness
-being intimidating or creepy
-one time bad behavior
-objectifying women
-complaining about being punished
-picking you up late

These are things that can be handled with a kicking session, but of coarse you can handle them with rupture if you want (and I would recommend)

Honestly, I would make a list of negative things a man can do that don't deserve rupture, but I don't think such a thing exists. Any bad behavior from men can be taken care of with rupture or castration.
Even if a woman just wants practice or wants to take her anger out on something or does it for her own amusement, all 3 of those are still good reasons to rupture.

Also.... As a message to the men out there: Stop being upset over having your testicles ruptured. With women now having the technology to have kids without sperm, testicles are useless. Why be upset over losing a testicle? It's only a stupid little ball! No woman cares about the fact that you're a one-nut and complaining about it will only make it more likely for a woman to crush your remaining one into mush.

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