Thursday, January 9, 2020

Feminist Judith Levine Calls Male Heterosexuality "Satan like"

      Feminist man hater Judith Levine, who describes herself as a "proud atheist", uses heavy religious jargon in order to describe how satanic heterosexual men are,  and how men demonically possess women through sex, even if women consent to it:
"Men's sexuality is mean and violent, and men so powerful that they can 'reach within women to fuck/construct us from the inside out.' Satan-like, men possess women, making their wicked fantasies and desires women's own. A woman who has sex with a man, therefore, does so against her will, 'even if she does not feel forced.”

(Judith Levine, My Enemy, My Love: Women, Masculinity, and the Dilemmas of Gender, Doubleday, 1992)

Her book title was changed and was once called "My Enemy, My Love: Man-Hating and Ambivalence in Women's Lives,":

"Twenty-five years later, the price of revenge inflated like everything else, women all across America watched 'Thelma and Louise' and experienced the same exhilaration; but the mother lode of emotion into which the movie tapped would still be nameless. Hence, Judith Levine's book, 'My Enemy, My Love: Man-Hating and Ambivalence in Women's Lives...'."

And here she is in her page describing herself as an atheist:
I’m a proud atheist, happily unmarried to my longtime love

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