Friday, May 15, 2020

The Myth That Most Women Didn't Vote Because Their Husbands Didn't Allow Them To

The popular myth concerning the accepted history of women's voting rights is that women were ultra enthusiastic overall about voting but the men in their families were oppressing them and preventing them from voting.
The Pew Research Center however, detailed a survey of women from 1923 where 65% of the women chose not to vote and found that less than 3% of the women said that they didn't vote because their husbands didn't want them to.
A much higher percentage of them said they did not believe in voting than those who said that they didn't vote because their husbands didn't want them to (11% vs 3%).
46% of the women chose to vote for President versus 75% of the men.

This is vital information because it gives us a glimpse of what the mindset of women were like in large cities back then concerning suffrage as opposed to the myths.

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