Saturday, July 18, 2020

I Like it in the Can...

Like me, the Old Man cheated when it came to beer.  Not the one to marry a brand, he had affairs with Coors, Black Label, Old Milwaukee, Olympia and Ballantine -- And even though he was a proponent of drinking local beer -- that wise advise would be put aside if beer from a world away was on sale.  It never fails to surprise me how much we are alike.

I remember Hamm's in our house when the Old Man was the Public Affair's officer at NORAD and we were living in Colorado Springs.  That was '73 and '74.  I don't remember seeing it much afterwards.  I'm sure it was around but it was off my radar...until last week when I saw it selling for $5 a 12 pack.  Brewed by Miller, it's been available out west but seems to be moving east.  And it ain't half bad --  but I also like Bud Lite Lime so fair warning.

Hamm's, and it's a pleasure to say, "Hamm's," is a little like a full wine.  Not insipid at all but rather full and malty.  It has a pleasant mouth feel and I like it in the can -- With smoked almonds or a big white cheddar on a Triscut. At less than .50 cents a can, it's a no brainer.  If you see it - pick it up.  I reckon it's already got a good head of steam with the sock-less and blistered hipsters. I'm looking for it on tap...which I'm guessing is better than getting it in the can.   

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