Microdermal piercings are a new trend growing amongst youngster and adults today. They're dunking the old method of surface piercings and shifting to a whole new level of piercing one's skin. Microdermal piercings are those which consist of a entry point, but no exit point so that the jewelery doesn't poke its end out of the skin. Here the piercing penetrates the skin to a considerable level, where the jewelery has a flattened surface with holes in it, so that, the skin heals around and through it, giving it more leverage to hold down the piercing in place. In this way the wound is given significant healing space with a higher chance of it not rejecting the piercing jewelry.
The other end of the microdermal implant which peeks out of the skin, can be changed as and when the person wants since this can be screwed in and unscrewed with different ends. These surface anchors, as they are called require a surgical procedure that is not painful to undergo, and can be done successfully by a trained microdermal piercer. Microdermal piercing removal procedures are the ones that aren't easy to withstand since these require a lot of painful maneuvers. We'll see how this is done and what costs come into play to get it done.
Microdermal Piercing Surgical Procedure
In order to remove a piercing, the person in question who has the microdermal piercing and seeks removal will have to either go back to the same person he/she got it from, or go to a trusted piercer to have it removed. The procedure involves two surgical instruments to be on hand.
* Scalpel
* Forceps
It is important to go to a sterile parlor to get your removal done for fear of an infection. Those who seek removal procedures sometimes try to do this on their own, but keep in mind that surface anchors with inserted flattened surfaces are not easily removable, being a permanent piercing to begin with. So when this is done, the piercer firsts wipes the area with an anti septic liquid to keep the area sterilized and ready for incision. A cut is made through the skin around where the anchor is placed, making it big enough to pull the microdermal jewelry out using the forceps. It is a painful procedure no doubt, but has to be done nonetheless especially if the body is rejecting it due to some reason. It is known to be quite a reliable choice of piercing, considering that it is a permanent type that isn't meant to be removed. There are certain things to look out for when getting this done, being as dicey a piercing as it is. Possible problems that can arise with a microdermal piercing are hypertrophic scarrings, inward traveling infections, implant rejections, keloids, bruising and deep microdermal placement.
Microdermal Piercing Scars - Removal Aftermath and Costs
The scars remaining that are left behind after a microdermal piercing is removed, depends on what kind of body piercing jewelry you have affixed into yourself. Surface anchors are a more complicated type of body piercing jewelry, being a very deep set and sturdy choice of jewelry. Others go for jewelry that sometimes easily pop out of their skins, since the body rejects these and pushes them out through the wound. Not all piercings react well with one's body, so the chances of being subjected to a rejection are high if you don't use the right kind of jewelry. The scars are severe when the surgical means call for a tissue tearing around the area, where healing can take time provided you apply something for it to heal faster. If an infection is the one to blame, then scarring is more severe and will take time to heal and may leave lasting marks if not treated sooner.
Microdermal piercing removal cost doesn't really require that you shell out big bucks. Some piercers do it for free, while others charge a small fee to have it removed. Getting it done in the first place will cost you about 30-40$ alone, while removing it isn't all that much of an expense.
Microdermal piercing removal procedures are usually done because the surface area that one has it on isn't agreeing to the presence of the piercing. Others may want to get rid of it overtime if not accepted in a workplace or situation. Opting for this kind of piercing over a surface piercing needs your one hundred assurance, since as you can see, things change and call for a removal procedure. Whatever your reasons to have this removed, just be sure to go to a trusted piercer to have it done professionally.
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