The aroma is tantalizing and heavenly. The taste is alluring and takes you on a different plane of gastronomic delight. All over the world it is amongst the most popular beverages. Any guesses? Well, actually it would not have been difficult, eh? Because it is our beloved beverage, the coffee! Have it hot or have it cold, it is awesome nevertheless. But it is not without its baggage of positives and negatives on account of its main substance, caffeine. Hence, the skepticism is coffee good for you revolves around this drink. Take a look as to what makes coffee good or bad for you.
Is Coffee Good for Your Health?
Too much of everything spoils the party. The same goes with coffee. However, for the coffee enthusiasts, there is a good news that the health benefits of coffee outweigh the side effects, but the amount consumed has to be in moderation. The first and foremost reason which will brighten up coffee lovers is that coffee reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease, as per a research. Another study in the related field says that those who have 2 cups of coffee daily have a reduced risk of around 25% of colon cancer and a decrease in liver cirrhosis risk. It gives a boost to our energy and as a result we can do more physical activity and our athleticism is enhanced. So then, is coffee good for your liver can be answered in affirmative but with 'conditions apply'. Another study has revealed that it can lower the symptoms of asthma. In addition to that coffee boosts your mood and if you ask is coffee good for your teeth, a study says that it drinking coffee prevents cavities. Drinking coffee also lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes. Interestingly, coffee also may be the largest source of anti oxidants. Colorectal cancer is also apparently kept at bay by coffee. It also helps stimulate the nervous system. The negatives come in the picture when there are wrong habits attached in conjunction with coffee or more than usual amount is consumed. Read more on antioxidants in coffee.
What Does Not Make Coffee Good for You?
This is the flip side of is coffee good for you. To start off, if consumed in excess, it can be addictive on account of the main substance in it, caffeine. It is better to avoid too much of coffee during pregnancy as it might have an unwanted impact on the baby. Although this conclusion has to be supported with a concrete evidence, keep the coffee mugs in check to be on the safer side. Further, insomnia or sleeplessness and headache can be caused as a result of caffeine. When it comes to coffee drinking habits, drinking 2 or 3 cups is fine, but if you have something like dough nut with it or anything sweet, every time you have coffee, well, it might not be very healthy. On the contrary if you have fruits with it, it is perfect and does not pose a health risk.
Smoking along with drinking coffee is a very common scenario. Again, this is not very healthy, as if you drink 5 cups of coffee everyday and having 2 or more cigarettes (for instance) per cup, you are surely in for trouble. It can lead to caffeine side effects and has to be avoided. Coffee on an empty stomach too can create some problems, therefore, anything more than 575 grams of coffee per day is not advised. Read more on negative effects of coffee.
Finally, is coffee good for you depends on how much you drink everyday and what is going in your system along with it. Similarly is coffee good for you when you are sick is relative and is decided upon personal experiences. But one thing is sure, that excess is going to land you in trouble, thus, moderation is the key. Which means that maximum 3 to 5 cups of coffee in a mid sized mug would not be a problem. Read more on nutrition facts for coffee.
Now, the ball is in your court - is coffee good for you? What do you say? Well, you can grab a 'cuppa' and think!
Is Coffee Good for Your Health?
Too much of everything spoils the party. The same goes with coffee. However, for the coffee enthusiasts, there is a good news that the health benefits of coffee outweigh the side effects, but the amount consumed has to be in moderation. The first and foremost reason which will brighten up coffee lovers is that coffee reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease, as per a research. Another study in the related field says that those who have 2 cups of coffee daily have a reduced risk of around 25% of colon cancer and a decrease in liver cirrhosis risk. It gives a boost to our energy and as a result we can do more physical activity and our athleticism is enhanced. So then, is coffee good for your liver can be answered in affirmative but with 'conditions apply'. Another study has revealed that it can lower the symptoms of asthma. In addition to that coffee boosts your mood and if you ask is coffee good for your teeth, a study says that it drinking coffee prevents cavities. Drinking coffee also lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes. Interestingly, coffee also may be the largest source of anti oxidants. Colorectal cancer is also apparently kept at bay by coffee. It also helps stimulate the nervous system. The negatives come in the picture when there are wrong habits attached in conjunction with coffee or more than usual amount is consumed. Read more on antioxidants in coffee.
What Does Not Make Coffee Good for You?
This is the flip side of is coffee good for you. To start off, if consumed in excess, it can be addictive on account of the main substance in it, caffeine. It is better to avoid too much of coffee during pregnancy as it might have an unwanted impact on the baby. Although this conclusion has to be supported with a concrete evidence, keep the coffee mugs in check to be on the safer side. Further, insomnia or sleeplessness and headache can be caused as a result of caffeine. When it comes to coffee drinking habits, drinking 2 or 3 cups is fine, but if you have something like dough nut with it or anything sweet, every time you have coffee, well, it might not be very healthy. On the contrary if you have fruits with it, it is perfect and does not pose a health risk.
Smoking along with drinking coffee is a very common scenario. Again, this is not very healthy, as if you drink 5 cups of coffee everyday and having 2 or more cigarettes (for instance) per cup, you are surely in for trouble. It can lead to caffeine side effects and has to be avoided. Coffee on an empty stomach too can create some problems, therefore, anything more than 575 grams of coffee per day is not advised. Read more on negative effects of coffee.
Finally, is coffee good for you depends on how much you drink everyday and what is going in your system along with it. Similarly is coffee good for you when you are sick is relative and is decided upon personal experiences. But one thing is sure, that excess is going to land you in trouble, thus, moderation is the key. Which means that maximum 3 to 5 cups of coffee in a mid sized mug would not be a problem. Read more on nutrition facts for coffee.
Now, the ball is in your court - is coffee good for you? What do you say? Well, you can grab a 'cuppa' and think!
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