Feminist psychologists proudly bragged about the fact that American women's femininity has decreased since the beginning of the height of the feminist movement's power during the 70's.
They carried out a study where they measured male and female typical gender attitudes and levels of androgyny, and found that men have pretty much remained in the same roles while women have become more androgynous and masculine.
The study already starts by feminists patting each other on the back and describing their findings:
They carried out a study where they measured male and female typical gender attitudes and levels of androgyny, and found that men have pretty much remained in the same roles while women have become more androgynous and masculine.
The study already starts by feminists patting each other on the back and describing their findings:
Despite admitting that women in the U.S have become less and less feminine, these feminists are still contradicting themselves by saying that just because women are becoming more masculine, that doesn't mean they are abandoning femininity but
are "re-defining" what it means to be feminine by using a term called "bodily property" that is based on "willpower, discipline and social standing", which ironically are traditional male attitudes.
Source: Masculine and Feminine Traits on the Bem Sex-Role Inventory, 1993–2012: a Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis
Yet when we look at more objective and empirical evidences based on hard science, traditional femininity is rooted in evolutionary sexual selection and parenting styles that creates an optimal environment for the propagation of the human race:
"Psychological evidence suggests that sex differences in morphology have been modified by sexual selection so as to attract mates (intersexual selection) or intimidate rivals (intrasexual selection).Source: The evolutionary psychology of physical attractiveness: Sexual selection and human morphology
Women compete with each other for high quality husbands by advertising reproductive value in terms of the distribution of fat reserves and by exaggerating morphological indicators of youthfulness such as a small nose and small feet and pale, hairless skin.
Men's physical appearance tends to communicate social dominance, which has the combined effects of intimidating reproductive rivals and attracting mates. In addition to their attractiveness and intimidatory effects, human secondary sexual characters also provide cues to hormonal status and phenotypic quality consistent with the good genes model of sexual selection (which includes parasite resistance).
Low waist-hip ratio is sexually attractive in women and indicates a high estrogen/testosterone ratio (which favors reproductive function). Facial attractiveness provides honest cues to health and mate value. The permanently enlarged female breast appears to have evolved under the influence of both the good genes and the runaway selection mechanisms."
Source: The functional neuroanatomy of maternal love: mother's response to infant's attachment behaviors
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