Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Health Benefits of Coffee

Those of you who are a regular coffee drinker will agree with me that it has a unique taste and aroma that gives us an instant refreshing feel. This makes coffee one of the most popular beverages among people all across the world irrespective of their cultures. Many of us cannot even think of starting out a day without having a cup of coffee. For past many years, it was widely known that coffee is bad for health. It often gives us a sense of guilt that the beverage that we like so much is causing harm to our health. However, in recent times, due to its immense popularity, lots of research studies have been conducted to find out about the risk of drinking coffee. Nutrition facts for coffee obtained from these studies suggest that the health benefits of coffee are much higher than the health risks associated with it.

How Coffee Benefits Your Health?

The benefits of drinking coffee lies with the fact that it is a rich source of antioxidants. When the cells in our body are oxygenated then they produce free radicals as a by product. These free radicals have a damaging effect on the other cells in our body. The antioxidants eliminate the free radicals and thus prevent this kind of cell damage. Chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid are two of the most powerful antioxidants present in coffee. Fruits and vegetables are considered as the best source of antioxidants. On regular intake of coffee, you can get the equivalent amount of antioxidants from coffee itself. These antioxidants help in prevention of various forms of cancer including colon cancer, rectal cancer. Similarly, it can fight off adverse effects of aging.

Coffee brings about improvement in various digestive problems. This is possible because of its diuretic nature that prevents water retention. So, next time when you sense a bloated feeling, have a cup of coffee to obtain relief from intestinal gas. Coffee has excellent anti-bacterial and anti-adhesive properties which enable it to cure various problems related to oral health. It includes cavities, plaque formation and gum infection. Problems like bleeding gums can be resolved with the help of coffee. It is helpful in alleviating headache and asthma symptoms too. In fact, some medicines of asthma and headache contains good amount of caffeine in them.

Caffeine present in coffee acts as an excellent stimulant for our body. It stimulates our senses, enhances the rate of metabolism. Thus, it makes us mentally alert, physically energetic and improves our performance. Those who are dealing with problem of short term memory loss can yield caffeine benefits by drinking a cup of coffee everyday. It is well known that coffee has the natural ability to tackle mood swing, depression and hangover. Research studies have found that coffee can reduce blood sugar level in diabetic patients. As it increases the rate of metabolism, it ensures faster break down and assimilation of the glucose molecules in the body. Coffee intake can reduce the risk of several serious ailments such as gallstones, Parkinson's disease, cardiovascular diseases, liver cirrhosis and so on.

There are many health benefits of coffee for women. The chances of breast cancer is quite less in those women who drink coffee regularly. Post-menopause, women are prone to cardiovascular diseases and inflammatory diseases. Such possibilities can be controlled to some extent with the help of coffee. As antioxidants in coffee reduces the number of free radicals on the skin cells, it fights off signs of aging really well and improves their skin condition. Due to these benefits of coffee on skin, various skin care products that are used to reduce redness and skin inflammation contain caffeine as a key ingredient.

As you can see that there are so many health benefits of coffee. Most of the coffee side effects show up when you are consuming coffee excessively. Therefore, you must not take more than 2 cups of a coffee in a day. In order to gain maximum nutritional benefits from coffee, you should avoid using too much of sugar, creams or any flavor in it.

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