Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Prevention is cure

"Do you take this man or this woman to be your husband or your wife till death due you part? That is the question you are asked during your marriage vows. But in the back of your mind were you thinking, sure I take this person. But if it doesn't work I'll file for a divorce and get on with my life?
If that thought was in the back of your mind, you are not alone. It must be in the back of some couple's minds because 50 to 60% of today's newlyweds will divorce. Why?
I have chosen 3 areas to focus on from the article in the article “Top Reasons Why People Divorce” in Yahoo!
1.       Poor communication
This is one of the cases wherein a couple does not speak to each other or is not fully open to the idea of communicating their feelings to each other. This is when couples feel obliged to update each other with their feelings and what has been happening with their lives individually. Everything is much like a contract with each other and every conversation feels dragging as ever. Poor communication results to a contracted relationship not a real one.
2.       Change in priorities.
There was a change in priorities because of having kids, having jobs and the priority now is family based not individual based or couple based. The issue on having different priorities is very much important because it gives the couple a sense of freedom or maybe a sense of pride. With different priorities, there are different reactions to it. Priorities are supposed to be balanced. It should not be one sided. It has to be two sided or even sometimes multiple divided. A couple should learn balance their family needs, their relationship and their social life. There should be diversity and there should be flexibility. I believe that it takes a lot of time to adapt to this kind of relationship. Almost all married lives have different issues to live with every day, it’s just a matter of dealing with it before it even begins to get worse.
3.       Physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse.
Emotionally or sexually is still abuse in any perspective. I believe that in any way to look upon it, it is still abuse in many different ways. I believe that nobody has the right to be abusive to other people not unless it is for self-defense. Any form of abuse is liable to imprisonment and it is against the law and the teachings of the Church.
I believe that every person has the responsibility to be liable to their own actions. They should be aware of the consequences. As they say, prevention is always the cure. To prevent is to cure, to prevent is to be sure. Prevent pervasive issues such as miscommunication and the like in order to become happy and in order to become the people you would want to be in a relationship. I believe that this can make every marriage happy.

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