Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Holy Bible: A guidance or a hindrance?

For those who cannot separate church from law, please know that divorce is in the Bible. It is allowed. But only for one reason: "marital unfaithfulness" or sexual immorality.

But the Bible also says that just because you're divorced doesn't mean you can marry again, as these verses testify: 

Matthew 5:32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery. (NIV)
Matthew 19:9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. (NIV)

                This is a very interesting passage from the bible. Divorce is not allowed but if one of the couple is unfaithful, legal separation is allowed. But the issue of marriage is not fully accepted by the Christian beliefs. With this passage found in one of the e-forums about divorce online, we can already tackle the issue of the Church against divorce. The Church thinks that it is not Christian to accept Divorce in our society, much like abortion and the use of contraceptives. Divorce is a dreadful thing because it goes against the bible and its teachings. What have we have here, we have a passage that completely contradicts their idea! Just as long as one of the couple is unfaithful, it is considered to be adultery and it is considered to be reasonable for turning to Divorce. In our present society, it has always been the case that divorce is a dreaded thing and the Filipino government have not been considering divorce to be legalized not until Malta had agreed to legalize divorce in their country. In the bible, it is clearly not like that, there is a reason for divorce and the one and only reason for divorce is unfaithfulness.

The phrase “except for marital unfaithfulness” is the only thing in Scripture that possibly gives God’s permission for divorce and remarriage. Many interpreters understand this “exception clause” as referring to “marital unfaithfulness” during the “betrothal” period. In Jewish custom, a man and a woman were considered married even while they were still engaged or “betrothed.” According to this view, immorality during this “betrothal” period would then be the only valid reason for a divorce.

                This is the only phrase we can hang on to. If you are pro-divorce, you are most probably connected to this passage. People tend to overanalyze the Bible when in fact, we should be living based on what we believe in. the Bible, for me, should just serve as a guidance, not a hindrance. Some people tend to take the passages literally, and are not open to the hidden meanings of the words that are written in this holy book. People should be more open and should turn to the bible for guidance not considers it to be a hindrance, because if a person considers it to be a hindrance, this completely destroys the idea of FAITH. Faith is being faithful to God and being faithful, as well, to what you believe in.


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