Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Sensitive Man

     One of the things I found most interesting about this Tuesday's readings is how while in 90210, the teenage girls portrayed in the show are backwards in terms of feminism, the male teenagers portrayed are not. Women of the show wear barely any clothes, are highly sexualized, and spend their time either shopping and maintaining their unrealistic beauty or being a stay at home mum who cooks and cleans. Sexist stereotypes are abound. For example one female character is mocked for having to be driven everywhere because she can't pass her driving test. Originally I was left confused and frustrated at all of this. How could teenagers watch this show or even be allowed to watch this show by their parents given that the 90's was the age of girl power. How could anyone allow for such portrayals of women when feminism was at an all time high?
      The answer was found soon after and to me is fascinating. While the women are portrayed in a sexist manner, all of the male characters in the show conform to a feminist ideal per say. They are vulnerable, emotionally available, and interested in love and getting to know a girl over hooking up. Not to mention they are very attractive. These male characters represented the wish, the goal for American society. They were what most if not all women who watched the show wanted in their own lives. The perfect man who treats women with kindness, respect and emotional sensitivity. I say per say to these characters being a feminist ideal because Douglas addresses in her chapter that while these male characters are great, it highlights that if all men were like the men on 90210, feminism wouldn't be necessary. Honestly I can't tell if this is a bad or a good thing. If all men were like that surely the world would be a better place (I would like to think), and so maybe all of the goals feminists are now trying to achieve would be achieved. However it could be bad because it downgrades feminism which is necessary in the real world where it is not in 90210. Given the shows attitude to female characters on the show I will lean towards the fact that having these "perfect" men is hindering feminism because of all the other sexist references that are made. Besides, the perfect men are only so to draw in more viewers. Who wouldn't watch a show with their dream man? More viewers, more money. But more viewers also means more sexism and sexist thoughts in society. Media has a huge impact on the minds of teens and so maybe the world would have been better if 90210 had never been made at all.

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