I thought that the piece "A Letter To My Students: Stop Rape Now By Doing These Ten Things" was extremely powerful. It made me secretly wish that such a strong message had been created and dispersed among the Colgate community. And well, of course, it can! The ten steps that were described I think would be extremely useful to the Colgate community, though I think it should be shortened a little prior. Though I haven't been at Colgate for too long, I have learned that college students including myself, do not often enjoy reading for fun, for their own education and benefit given that we have to read so much for classes. So if the essence of this was boiled down into a quick 10 points and maybe a small sentence or two, it could be distributed widely across campus.
I want this for Colgate because many if not most students would not know how to act or in what order to act if they had been raped or if they were a friend of someone who had been raped. Having a quick easy-accessible list of things to do would be so helpful especially if it was started the same way as the blog piece: immediately go to the hospital and have a rape kit done. If I was raped I would be confused, upset, and probably freaking out. I'd have no idea where to start on telling people, having my attacked punished etc. Knowing that there was this list of steps available would be greatly comforting.
Despite the seminars we have during orientation about sexual assault and some of the other information on that matter that circulates, I don't really know all the options that are available to me, and after asking my friends, they said they wouldn't know what to do either. It's not that the information isn't available, because I'm sure it must be, it's just I don't know where to find it.
Since writing that last small paragraph I decided to Google "Colgate University rape". The top results were from the Colgate website and was Colgate's section on sexual assault and rape. On the page after clicking on a few links I did in fact find steps on what to do if I had been raped. All the information is there (like I assumed) and it was all very detailed. Now lets put this up so it's more easily seen.
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