Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Covert Coat

I'm not an ascot kinda guy but I never pass them by when I see one under twenty bucks. Polo outlets in Florida are lousy with them. I guess they're not a whole lotta dads vacationing in Orlando who want an ascot. "Hey, Dad! Nice ass-cot."

I like the tight weave of covert cloth plus the tell tale railroad stitching at the sleeve and the hem. It's warm but light. Perfect for travel and you can wear it with damned near anything.

The hacking pockets with ticket pocket scream England but the plain collar (no velvet) tones it down considerably. A tattersal or gun check shirt helps with the horsey origins and this high v neck from Barbera covers up a lot of the ascot which keeps it from banging 12 on the Alpha Hotel meter.

You see covert coats everywhere in London but not so much here in the States and they wear like iron thanks to that weave. They are not cheap and it's getting harder to find ones made in the UK. Here's a tip. Check out eBay U.K. You might be surprised.

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