Wednesday, April 8, 2020


While todays readings were very interesting and well written, I found myself getting frustrated with their arguments. Enloe in particular blames men and our heavy patriarchy for deterring women to speak out and try to fight for equality. I found this troubling because I feel like many women are passionate about their equality and the number of feminists is growing everyday.  I feel like a common problem in society today is the comparison between men and women. We have discussed this before, but the inequality of gender representation in the work place is a very subjective study. We look at particular careers and see that they are dominated by men and instantly think that women are being disadvantaged and overlooked. But in reality, sometimes women just do not want to partake in the careers that are traditionally dominated by men, and choose another career path. I think that if any women are pursuing careers in any male dominated sector, that that is a success and a step forward for women. I bring up this point because I found an article on Buzzfeed that was interesting to me. It is about the underrepresentation of women in the media. It is titled “11 Ways women are Still Underrepresented in the Media”. Still? What does “still” mean? Does it compare today to 10 years ago or 50 years ago? Because depending on when we are comparing to, is a major factor. One person might look at this and think, “wow, women need to get themselves heard and break patriarchy” while others might look at this and think, “good for women for getting into the media after years of exclusion”.

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